Sunday, November 10, 2019

Trump Almost Certainly Will Win in 2020

Trump out-raised all the Democrats combined in Commifornia, the farthest left state of them all.

There are no Democrats who even stand a chance against Trump in 2020 except Pete Buttigieg, and there's 0% chance of him getting the nomination. The top 3 contenders are totally non-viable. Joe Biden is clearly suffering from rapidly advancing dementia and most likely will not be alive in 4 years, Bernie Sanders is a full decade older and has recently suffered a heart attack and also will most likely not be alive in 4 years and is a proud socialist in a country where at least 60% of the electorate will flat out not vote for a socialist, and Elizabeth Warren* is a make-believe socialist who has lied about her ethnicity for 50 years and will not get financial backing from key Democrat donors due to her anti-Wall Street rhetoric. Warren is the worst of the three. She's worse than Hillary. If Warren is put up against Trump we'll see Trump flip hard line Democrat states in a repeat of Reagan in 1984 or Nixon in 1972.

Trump is going to get at least 330 electoral votes next year. And Steve Bannon, one of the political genii behind Trump's earth-shattering victory in 2016, is even predicting he will get 400 electoral votes. Trump has godlike support among Republicans, just behind or even higher than Reagan, depending on who you ask. And Republicans love Reagan more than Jesus Christ. Reagan is to Republicans what Satan is to Democrats.

Even the Washington Shitpost, the most dishonest, farthest left of all leftist extremely fake news rags ever published, says that no one has ever seen a re-election machine as powerful as that created by Donald Trump for 2020.

*Elizabeth Warren is 99.98% white, making her the whitest person who has ever lived. She lied about her race for 50 years. And Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

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