Friday, April 3, 2015

NSA Gate Crashers Update

If you'll remember from Monday:

Two unidentified "men dressed as women" ram the gate at the NSA at Fort Meade in Maryland and shoot up the place. We don't know who they are, whether they're Muslims or not, or what the phrase "dressed as women" means.

Now they've released more information:

The FBI has identified two people who were shot outside the National Security Agency's headquarters on Monday after allegedly stealing an SUV they were driving from a motel.

Kevin Lamont Fleming, 20, and his friend Ricky 'Maya' Shawatza Hall, 27, were allegedly picked up in Baltimore by another man on Sunday night before 'partying' at nearby lodgings in Howard County.

Hall was a homeless transgender prostitute with a long list of felony convictions. The unconscious Fleming is also a criminal. They were at a motel in Baltimore to "party" when they stole a van and somehow drove to the NSA building where a shootout took place. Cocaine, found in the van, may have played a part in the pair's erratic behavior, although their criminal records attest to their being erratic for a long time prior to the deadly shooting.

I'm quite honestly flummoxed by this one. We're either dealing with two people who were just off the nut or there may be a terror connection that is being covered up.