Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Trump Fighting for Gay Rights

President Donald Trump, who is the most pro-gay President in US history despite what the media and leftists want you to believe, is leading a global initiative to eliminate the laws in several, mostly Islamic, nations that outlaw homosexuality and make it a crime punishable by death. He's fighting for the right of human beings to exist. To anyone who has known anything about Trump over the past two decades this comes as no surprise. To all the "Orange man bad" NPCs, they'll find some way to spin this as a negative. They already are claiming that Trump is racist, since all of the countries that have criminalized homosexuality are majority non-white. It just goes to show you the length to which people will go to prop up their irrational ideologies.

Bernie Sanders' "Vision"

The literal communist Bernie Sanders, who actually lived in a real life commune and was kicked out for only talking non-stop about how great communism is and refusing to work, has officially declared his run for President in 2020, when he will be 80 years old. If Sanders is elected, meaning if every other candidate dies before the election, then he will almost certainly become the first president to die of old age in office, he's that old.

Bernie Sanders, a rich, old, white male, is the face of "progressivism".

Here's his campaign ad and my analysis of it.

"Real change never takes place from the top on down, but always from the bottom on up."

Says the man who wants to create the most bloated, top-down government possible and achieve everything via government fiat.

"Climate change is the greatest threat to national security."

Climate change literally doesn't exist and is a scam perpetrated by the government to extract infinite wealth out of the 99.999% of the population who are not in the ruling class. Not only is it not the greatest threat to existence, it's not a threat at all. Worse, ALL plans on combating the chimera of climate change are more destructive to the environment than the alternatives EXCEPT for nuclear energy.

"Free college tuition"

Will just make a college degree even more worthless. When everyone is super no one will be. You know what would really help college graduates? Ending visa programs that give good jobs away to foreigners willing to work for pennies on the dollar.

"Nobody in America who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty."

Well there's something I do agree with. But the way to fix that isn't to raise minimum wage, it's to decrease inflation. The Dollar has lost 98% of its value since 1913. Decrease inflation and cost of living and even $1.50 an hour becomes a living wage.

"We are not going to retreat on women's rights."

What rights do men have that women do not? None. In fact the legal, educational, and employment system is rigged in favor of women so much so that western women are the most priviledged group of people who have ever lived in the history of the world. By a lot.

"You don't rip little children away from the arms of their mother."

But ripping them into little pieces inside the womb is perfectly acceptable. And sending caravans of children on a thousand mile trek across the desert to use as political pawns is also acceptable.

Touting a $15 minimum wage, again, as a "victory for all workers". No, it's not, it's a failure. Look at all the jobs the $15 minimum wage has cost. Millions of low-wage workers could lose their jobs if this shitty deal were passed country-wide. It is a trick designed to keep people poor and to keep those poor wage slaves voting for Democrats forever.

This ad is almost entirely bullshit, almost none of these "visions" are even possible (as opposed to Trump's promises, of which he's already delivered on several and is in the process of delivering on even more), and most of them would be detrimental to the survival of the United States and of humanity itself. Sanders' plan would absolutely destroy the US and world economy, render millions of people unemployed, and, if he gets his wish on the environment, will likely kill tens of millions of people. It is probably the worst of all possible plans, and what makes it even worse is that Sanders is not talking out his ass like most politicians, he actually believes this crap. That's what makes him especially dangerous. It's a good thing the Democrat Party has superdelegates, meaning he has no chance of winning.