Monday, September 23, 2019

Glenn Beck Back Again

Never-Trumper Glennard Beck has wiped the Cheeto dust off his face and has returned to his senses.

Glenn Beck has always supported his magic underwear cult, and anyone who dares to run against his fellow travelers he despises. Beck spent years mocking Trump, and cozied up to extreme far leftist communists on TV to try to save his sinking ship of a media empire.

Remember, Beck started out as a leftist and moved to the right (or "libertarian" as he called himself for a time) when he saw it was profitable. He moved from HLN (a CNN sister channel) to Fox, started talking about blond haired, blue eyed Egyptians visiting America 9,000 years ago with the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and his show started losing advertisers. Beck may or may not have been fired from Fox, started The Blaze, and lost a tremendous amount of money trying to compete against the big boys. Beck said in the 2016 election that Donald Trump was Hitler, and he went on a whirlwind tour to try to gain support by kissing the asses of a bunch of dyed in the wool communist "entertainers". That didn't work and Beck lost even more money.

Now Beck says he's had a change of heart when Trump accomplished what he promised to accomplish in his 2016 campaign. In being the first president to keep his promises (mostly on moving the US embassy in Israel), Beck now supports Trump again.

Hear it for yourself straight from the horse's ass, or mouth, whichever.

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