Thursday, December 28, 2017

Trump Cuts UN Funding

The UN, that cartoonishly evil, Kafkaesque organisation that puts countries like Saudi Arabia run the Human Rights Council and are a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, when they just this year repealed the ban on women being allowed to drive. Saudi Arabia, one of the worst human rights violators on the planet, gets to dictate the world's morality along with such other gems as Afghanistan (formerly the most repressive shithole in the world from 1996 until 2001), Rwanda (1 million murdered in 100 days), Democratic Republic of the Congo (engaged in a 20 year civil war and a major player in the largest war in the past 50 years), and the likes. The UN is without question one of the evilest Luciferian organisations in the history of the world.

The UN recently condemned the United States for recognising the undeniable fact that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, a fact that was near unanimously declared by both houses of Congress in the 1990s, and by promising to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Since half the UN is radical Islamist theocracies who want to exterminate all the Jews in the world to bring about their messiah, and the other half of the UN are Luciferian former Western powers like Belgium, France, and Germany who are committing a genocide on their own people by importing millions of North African Muslims, it's no surprise that such a demonic organisation would condemn the recognition of Israel, the only Western liberal democracy in the entire region.

Well Trump has just got the better of them. Not only has Guatemala followed suit, Trump is cutting funding to the UN to teach them who really pulls the strings.

The United States funds 22% of the UN's $5.5 billion general operations budget and 28% of its $8 billion military budget (a total of $3.5 billion). Well now that the UN has bitten the hand that feeds it Trump is cutting $285 million. You could say "That's only an 8% reduction," but an 8% cut is not an insignificant response to a first offense. If you messed up one time at work and your boss cut your pay by 8% for the whole year that would be pretty significant and if you knew there was no possibility of getting another job if you quit (and NO ONE will pick up the slack if the US quits the UN entirely) you'd definitely think twice about crossing your boss again.

Of course US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley used tact when she censured the den of robbers. That's how you show you have real power, you can call people out while appearing to be benevolent:
“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked. This historic reduction in spending – in addition to many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable UN – is a big step in the right direction. While we are pleased with the results of this year’s budget negotiations, you can be sure we’ll continue to look at ways to increase the UN’s efficiency while protecting our interests.”
The message is very clear: Don't step out of line again or you're getting the axe. And they should get the axe. The UN is a cancer on this planet, and Trump is taking the first steps in excising it from the body politic of the United States. Merry Christmas United States, and God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.

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