Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Real Talent

When faced with the certainty that clock boy just took a clock apart in 20 seconds and brought it to school idiots, when they're not shouting "leave brown people alone", will shout "he's just 14, what do you expect him to do?" or "bravo, you just outsmarted a 14 year old!"

Well, here's what a 14 year old can do, build a motorcycle.

Haven Jarel built himself a motorcycle and now he's building a car. He deserves the scholarship to MIT. He deserves to visit the President. He deserves the free trip anywhere in the world. He deserves the media attention.

Remember, until the 20th century 14 years old was an adult, with all the adult expectations and responsibilities. 14 year olds have shaped a lot of history and achieved great things. Clock boy was just a douche who caused trouble on purpose.

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