Shortest war ever. All the Low-T randos fearposting about a world war must be shitting themselves now that the war is over and we won. The US killed Iran's top general, Iran launched some dud missiles at an evacuated air base with no US casualties and then called it quits. War is over, we won, the end.

Iran launched a symbolic attack that killed no one to serve three purposes:
1. It allows the regime to save face,
2. It keeps proxies from going nuts and killing Americans, and
3. It keeps America from firebombing Iranian cities.
Trump accepted what was tantamount to a surrender and ended the war right there, proving to the world that America is invincible and attacking us is suicide. This was the best possible move he could have made.
Let's face it, if not for Trump Derangement Syndrome the God Emperor would have received two Nobel Prizes, for his work in Korea and now preventing a world war. Hell, Obama got a Nobel Prize for being half black, and Al Gore got a Nobel Prize for a PowerPoint presentation about how cereal he is, Trump at least deserves one Nobel Prize for stopping two wars.
By the way, that opening where Trump emerged from a room filled entirely with light was amazing. That's like some WWE shit right there.
Trump and Vince McMahon are friends. Trump beat McMahon at WrestleMania and shaved his head on TV.
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