Christmas songs suck.
If you go outside around more than 4 people from the beginning of November until the end of December you will hear Christmas songs and likely nothing but Christmas songs. The problem with Christmas songs is that once you remove all the songs about Jesus, who is persona non grata in today's atheist society, there are all of 7 Christmas songs left. And you've heard all of them. And they all sound the same. And those same 7 songs are played on continuous loop for two months until you start to envy the deaf.
All 7 Christmas songs are shit. They're bullshit designed to make money. Every pop star for the past 60 years has known that producing a Christmas album is guaranteed to make tons of money, because even though EVERYONE has heard all 7 Christmas songs a thousand times, like an Alzheimer's patient, people need to buy the new album that contains the exact same 7 Christmas songs just because a different person sings them. As if they've never heard those songs before.
Why does Christmas exist? It's not to sell garbage to rich people who don't need any more garbage. CHRISTmas exists because of Jesus Christ. Sure, the date is wrong, but Christmas exists to celebrate the birth of Christ. In the modern atheist dystopia people are afraid to offend the one or two percent of extremely vocal atheists and Muslims who see Christmas as haram, we have to create a neopagan alternative to the birth of Christ, and all that's left is making money. Take a listen to all 7 Christmas songs that the big five networks play. They're all about money and materialism. It's a not so subtle subliminal message to get people to spend money on worthless garbage that no one needs or wants. People will buy $400 worth of shit and then, at the checkout counter admit to the clerk that they don't know why they bought all that shit. America gave up producing anything (except cardboard and US Dollars) decades ago, so I have no idea where all these people get this much money to buy garbage. They have to be using credit, which feeds the globalist banksters insatiable hunger for debt.
If we remember Christ more, even if you don't believe, just take his message to heart. We're not suffering from a lack of novelty sweaters, useless gadgets that get put in the garage after a week, and cheaply made toys the Chinese fill with lead, we're suffering from a lack of compassion. Imagine how much better life would be if instead of spending $400 on gifts for people you hate to satisfy your own ego, people spent that money on helping the poor. THAT is what Christmas should be about, not consumerism.