Company raises wages of all it's employees. Some workers quit out of envy or spite or just plain mean-spiritedness to when they first started, so out of butthurt they quit. They were still going to be paid more but they were butthurt about new workers not having to suffer like they had to so they quit. This is what I was talking about with the schools.
Does he not have the right to do what he wants with his own company, or are the seasoned workers envious of his generosity?
When Dan Price, founder and CEO of the Seattle-based credit card payment processing firm Gravity Payments, announced he was raising the company's minimum salary to $70,000 a year, he was met with overwhelming enthusiasm.
"Everyone start[ed] screaming and cheering and just going crazy," Price told Business Insider shortly after he broke the news in April.
One employee told him the raise would allow him to fly his mom out from Puerto Rico to visit him in Seattle. Another said the raise would make it possible for him to raise a family with his wife. Overnight, Price became something of a folk hero — a small-business owner taking income inequality into his own hands.
But in the weeks since then, it's become clear that not everyone is equally pleased. Among the critics? Some of Price's own employees.
The New York Times reports that two of the company's "most valued" members have left the company, "spurred in part by their view that it was unfair to double the pay of some new hires while the longest-serving staff members got small or no raises."
No one is losing any money. No one is not getting a raise. The only "problem" is that new employees are getting a bigger raise percentage wise than the older employees. People who have been there for many years are still making more money. Hard workers will still make more and still get bigger raises in the future, and slackers will get the boot. It's just this one time the bottom is being raised, and the people at the top are envious. They don't want new people getting more than they used to back when they were new, despite making more now. It's a sin, plain and simple.
How does this policy change hurt the people who quit? Only their pride. They are not hurt financially. They are still getting raises. They are still making more money than new people, they just don't get the ego boost of thinking they're so much better than the new people. I wouldn't care one bit. If I was working at a company for 20 years and I started out making $30,000 and worked my way up to $90,000 and now, 20 years later, I saw that new people were making $70,000 instead of $30,000 I wouldn't foam at the mouth and quit because they didn't have to start out as bad as I did. I wouldn't care one bit. I would still be making more than when I started. I'm not competing with them. I don't have to compare myself to them, only to myself. My situation improved. So what if the situation of everyone else improved? Am I doing better than I was? Of course. So what's the problem? Pride is the problem. Pride is the fountainhead of all sin. It is the greatest evil of this world.