Sunday, June 3, 2018

Korean Summit Back On

The Ron Paulites who freaked out that the sky was falling while sniffed their own farts because they smell so much better than the farts of we plebs, braying how "the Jews" and "neocons" had deliberately derailed the Korea summit in order to start a war were, unsurprisingly, wrong.

The leftists who were laughing at Trump supporters while sniffing their own farts because they smell so much better than the farts of we plebs, braying how Trump is an idiot, he's orange, and he has small hands and a small penis, were, unsurprisingly, wrong.

The Korean summit is back on and will still be held in Singapore on 12 June.

You don't have to be a genius to have predicted this. You don't have to be a genius to realise that Trump is the antithesis of the past several presidents that we've had and that he knows that he will not get re-elected if he starts another war. That's why his only acts of aggression so far have been to bomb a couple abandoned airports after giving warning several hours in advance so anyone present can evacuate. Trump doesn't want to start a war. You would have to be willfully stupid to think that he does.