I've never really liked or trusted the news. I remember CNN's fake Gulf War propaganda reports when Charles Jaco shot fake Gulf War footage in front of a blue screen in Atlanta. I'm not a moron, I know these people are fake news, some more fake than others. But what really secured in my mind that all the media are in collusion was when shortly after Ovomit took office and the economy collapsed and he and his wife went out and spent tens of millions of dollars on some lavish round-the-world trip, eating edible gold off plates made from diamonds and spending more money in a day than the average family sees in a decade. People were pissed off and the media, ALL of them, said the exact same thing on every channel. Every talking head on EVERY channel said THE EXACT SAME THING, word for word, defending Ovomit, and calling the American people stupid. They said that Ovomit needs to fix "the optics" of the situation to make the dumb Americans realise how blessed they are that Ovomit is President.
I had never heard the phrase "optics" refer to propaganda before, and it struck me as very bizarre how, at the same time, on every channel, these supposed competitors were all saying the same exact prepared speech defending the indefensible. I knew right then and there that all the media were in collusion. They receive not just talking points but complete scripts to read from the bosses who run the military-industrial-media complex.
Just five corporations control over 90% of what you see, read, and hear. They do so in gross violation of US antitrust law. A handful of billionaires, whose only jobs are to sit on the boards of each other's companies and make money by manipulating money, are controlling the media of the United States, taking away your ability to think for yourself.