So Brett Kavanaugh is President Trump's SCOTUS pick to replace the center-left Kennedy. Kavanaugh worked with Ken Starr in impeaching Billy Boy Clinton and later led the investigation into the "suicide" of Clinton AIDS Vince Foster, who shot himself multiple times in the back of the head using several different calibers of bullets. He has also worked with Capital Bush. His history of opposing the Clintons appears to be the main reason he was chosen.
Kavanaugh does not oppose Roe v. Wade, which is the unholy grail of the left, so there will be no blue wave come November because there is nothing for them to rally around, he is a defender of Guns and America's interests instead of global interests. He is, perhaps, not the justice America deserves, but, considering the wider ramifications, he is the justice America needs right now. He should be a more Constitutional version of Kennedy, switching the balance of power away from the Communists and toward America.