"The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria - big mistake if he does not!"
- Donald Trump, 30 August 2013
On the night of 31 August 1939 members of the SS murdered some prisoners. They staged a fake attack on a German radio station in Gleiwitz, on the border with Poland. The prisoners were mutilated so their identities could not be made out, dressed some in German clothes and the others in Polish military uniforms, and presented the scene to the world as an act of aggression by the Poles against Germany.
At 4:45 AM on 1 September 1939 the Luftwaffe bombed targets at Krakow, Lodz, and Warsaw. The panzers followed three hours later. 35 days later Poland had ceased to exist. Its territory had been divided between Germany and the Soviet Union. Over the next six years anywhere from 60 to 80 million people would die in the bloodiest war in human history.
Douma is our Gleiwitz.
This looks like it, the end of MAGA, the total derailment of the Trump Train. Trump has listened to the feels of his communist daughter, the sadistic sexual fantasies of draft dodger John Bolton, and the braying of chickenhawks like Chuck You Schumer, John McCain, and all the other establishment types from both parties who are deep in the take of Boeing, Raytheon, and other arms dealers. Against all reason and evidence the President has decided to violate the Constitution like his predecessors and declare war on Syria and, by extension, Russia and Iran.
Anyone who is honest and is not a total partisan can see that Assad did not use chemical weapons on his own people as he stood on the brink of absolute victory in the hell of the seven-year civil war that has nearly obliterated his country. Douma is so obviously a false flag attack that only people who are vehemently Russophobic, vehemently in favor of Islamism, or anyone who is so far up Trump's asshole that they can see nothing but 50 shades of brown, could possibly believe Assad gassed his own people.
Trump said that Assad needs to stop using "internationally banned" chemical weapons. It should be noted that the US is in possession of a thousand or more tons of chemical weapons in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, in which the US promised to destroy all its chemical weapons by 2012. That destruction, if it ever is completed, is expected to last at least until 2023.
Trump got in front of the American people and he lied through his teeth when he said about Assad: "The evil and the despicable attack left mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air. These are not the actions of a man; they are crimes of a monster instead."
I don't care what the French communist Macron or the British remoaner May have to say about Assad or Syria. They are so obviously mentally ill that there's no point in even trying to take them seriously. We know where they stand. We know that the governments of France and Britain, and their overlord Merkin in Germany, Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich that is the European Union, want to get rid of the last secular government in the Middle East and bring ISIS and other Islamist groups into power in Syria. We know that Israel wants to get rid of Assad and hand Syria to the Islamists so that they can gobble up more of the Golan Heights. We know what all these people want. Trump is the only one who is acting inconsistently. Trump is the only one who is violating his own promise to extract the US from these pointless wars that, by his own admission, have cost the US $6 trillion.
Trump lied about Syria. Sure, Secretary of Defense Mattis says this is a one time event, but we've heard this bullshit before. We know they want regime change, we know they want to throw more bodies into the meat grinder of the Forever War to prop up the illusion of the Petrodollar. Trump lied, and if any Americans die he will lose in 2020, the Democrats will win, they will flood America with another 50 million illegals, and America will become a third world banana republic forever.