Friday, December 8, 2017

Everyone Supported Recognising Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel Until Trump Actually Did It!

Former presidents Clinton, Bush, and Ovomit all promised to recognise Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and to move the embassy there. Congress voted overwhelmingly on the same issue. However, just like with securing the border (a Clinton plan that won him a standing ovation in the 90s), everything becomes bad, racialist, and Hitlerian when Trump does it.

Islam's Position on Jerusalem and the Jews

Why does the US recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel anger Muslims? It's simple, and it goes back to the very beginning of Islam.

Don't think for a second that Jerusalem or the Temple Mount is sacred to Muslims. It's not. There are countless videos of Muslims desecrating the Temple Mount, including inside the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque. Muslims don't give a toss about the Temple Mount. It's about the Jews. It's always been about the Jews.

The warlord Mohammad went to the Jews and demanded they convert to Islam. This was back when Mohammad had butchered his way throughout Arabia and conquered all the neighboring tribes, spreading Islam by the sword. The Jews, who have stuck to their one God and have rejected all other cults, told Mohammad to get lost. At this point Mohammad was in good company, as the Jews had told Jesus, the Romans, the Greeks, and everyone else to get lost too. What he did next put him in the same category as Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a man so antagonistic to the Jews that he has been forever remembered as an incarnation of evil. Mohammad made it his mission to seed hatred of Jews into the hearts of all Muslims.

The Caliph Umar, who ruled just a few years after Mohammad died, conquered Jerusalem and built his conquest mosque on top of the Temple Mount so the Jews could never have the holy site ever again in an act of childish vindictiveness.

The Muslims don't want Jerusalem for themselves because they think it is holy, they want Jerusalem to keep it out of the hands of the Jews, who are their most hated enemy. The Jews were the first group of people who rejected Islam, so there is a special hatred for Jews in Islam. Mohammed himself is quoted as saying that at the end of time all the Jews need to be killed before the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah (who has identical traits as the Christian Anti-Christ). Mohammad is reported (in the hadith) as having said that at the end of time the rocks and trees will call out "There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" This needs to be done before the Mahdi can return to Earth to kill all non-Muslims.

The Mahdi is the Muslim messiah. He was a real person who is said to have vanished down a well a thousand years ago. The Supreme Leader of Iran claims to be the only person to whom the Mahdi can communicate, and the Mahdi told him to build nuclear weapons.

The Mahdi is not Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah (the True Messiah). According to Islam Jesus never died on the cross and never redeemed the world. When Jesus was placed on the cross he was teleported directly to Heaven and Judas was placed on the cross. Islam teaches that Christians really worship Judas, and as such are idolaters and must be slaughtered by the Mahdi when he comes to Earth after all the Jews are killed.

That's why Muslims want to deny the Temple Mount and all of Israel to the Jews. If the Jews build the Third Temple then the Jewish Messiah (who is Jesus Christ) will return to Earth. To prevent this they have to drive the Jews into the sea. That's why time after time after time when the Jews have tried to trade land for peace the Muslims have turned them down and launched wars and terror attacks, because this was never about land, this was about hatred of Jews from the very beginning. Just read the Hamas charter. It says the goal of Hamas is to rid the world of Jews. ALL Jews. It doesn't say Israel, it says Jews.

And that is why the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel angers the Muslims, because they know that even with an army a billion strong they are no match for the United States. They see their chances of driving the Jews into the sea and bringing in the reign of the Mahdi as hitting a serious roadblock. The threads of their apocalyptic death cult are unraveling. No more will American presidents wave their little pieces of paper like Neville Chamberlain, promising peace for our time through appeasement to the Muslims. For 14 centuries they have tried to conquer the world and now they see a nuclear superpower standing up to their bullying. That's why they're pissed off, because their plan to kill all Jews is being curtailed by the first righteous leader the West has seen in decades.