Elizabeth Warren is probably the whitest person who has ever lived. She's whiter than the average white person in America and may even be whiter than Shaun King. The average white American is 98.6% white. Elizabeth Warren, Fauxcahontas, is 99.91% white. She's whiter than copy paper.
Fauxcahontas lied about being Cherokee to get affirmative actioned into college, and wrote a plagiarized cookbook of alleged Cherokee recipes that include crab cakes and mayonnaise, neither of which were part of the Cherokee diet until the late 20th century. Now the whitest person who has ever lived has taken a DNA test that proves just how white she is and was publicly disowned by the Cherokee nation, who are offended by her blatant cultural appropriation.
Will she recant or double down? Will NPCs turn against her or double down and still insist she run for president? I can't predict the future, I just know I'll enjoy the shitstorm.