President Trump is going to meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to discuss the possibility of peace between the Koreas and the elimination of the North's nuclear weapons program. The meeting is scheduled for some time in May. The North wants the meeting to take place in Pyongyang, but that is an extremely dangerous move and is unlikely.
The United States has been waging a war of sanctions with North Korea for a number of months, and while this has, by the North's own admission, hurt them economically, there's really nothing to stop China and others from smuggling supplies in. What has really brought the North to the negotiating table is Trump's threat of tariffs on China.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
China's entire economy is based on trade with the United States (just like Mexico). If the US were to cut off trade with China tomorrow its economy would suffer, but the US would survive. China would descend into chaos and the tens of millions of surplus men who have no hope for getting married, having children, or having any future outside of serving the omnipotent Communist Party, would rebel. The only thing keeping China afloat is the fact that it can continuously devalue its own currency and sell millions of tons of worthless garbage that falls apart within months to the United States. China still hasn't reached the same level of debt-to-GDP that the United States has, but with an economy based on nothing more than 1970s era heavy industry, an economic model that is being undercut by countries with even lower operating costs like Vietnam, China has a whole lot less leeway than the United States when it comes to the potential disasters associated with debt bubbles.
Faced with the threat of the entire house of cards falling over, China has pressured North Korea to the negotiating table in the hopes that the US will not impose any tariffs.
This is yuge. This is the biggest news of the past several decades. If Trump can get North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons he will go down in history as a great president. If he is able to negotiate an end to the Korean War, which the US has been engaged in since 1950, he will win the Nobel Peace Prize - and this time for something real, not like Obama's fake prize that the Nobel committee has admitted was a mistake - and he will win re-election in 2020 hands down. It's likely that the 2024 election will also be won by a Republican candidate if Trump can end the Korean War, that's how enormous an accomplishment that is. Twelve former presidents have struggled and have failed to find a peaceful solution to the situation on the Korean peninsula.