Kevin Spacey came up with the stupidest lie I've heard all week. The week is young, so I'll probably hear a more outrageous lie come out of Washington before it's over, but this just goes to show that actors are nothing without good writers. He was allegedly drunk, very drunk, and naked, and he fell on top of a 14 year old boy and he doesn't remember doing it and you should forgive him. Oh, and he's also gay, so everyone should talk about that instead of him sexually assaulting a minor.
Leftists, including Hitlery Roddamn Clinton, have been telling us for years that allegations of sexual assault should be believed without question (except when her husbeen Wild Bill is the perpetrator). All a woman need to is J'accuse! and the evil man must be locked up for life. Well Kevin's victim isn't a woman, it was a boy, and Kevin is allegedly gay so that gives him unlimited armour against all criticism.
Hollywood is imploding. It's turning into a free-for-all like Venezuela where they are eating rats and zoo animals and getting into street fights over toilet paper. Hollywood has lived off of sexual violence and pedophilia for decades, Washington too, and now all of that is unraveling since Trump got into office and has begun draining the swamp. These people thought they were untouchable. They had all the money in the world and they thought that they could buy immunity for their sins, and now they are throwing each other into the bottomless chasm that has opened up beneath their world in a vain attempt to keep from falling in.