Stefan Molyneux explains the purpose behind the Mueller Anal Probe is nothing more than a stalling action. They knew they could never remove Trump from office, so they stonewalled him in the hopes of running out the clock. Think about it, after 2 years of investigation buttfuck nothing was found to indict Trump. That could mean one of two things:
1. Trump is the absolute cleanest person who has ever lived and no dirt was found because there is literally not one molecule of dirt within a mile radius of Trump.
2. Trump is the absolute dirtiest person who has ever lived but no one can touch him because he has all the dirt on absolutely everyone else on the planet and to take him down would literally destroy the very fabric of society itself.
And the left doesn't care which is true, because their whole plan is to stall for time while the country is flooded with third-worlders (especially in the form of illegal immigrants) who consistently vote for socialism and are dependent on government handouts to survive. Trump is the only one who is trying to put a stop to the slow motion invasion of America. The left doesn't need to remove him from office, they just need to tie his hands so he can't stop them.