You have to face the facts, Elizabeth Warren will never be president. Sure, when this Ukraine bullshit falls through the Dems may drop Biden like a hot tomato and coronate Warren, who is 99.98% white, by the way, making her the only person on the planet whiter than Shaun King (the average white person is about 95% white).
The Democrat Party is divided among the neo-liberal corporate side, like Hitlery Roddamn Clinton and Joe Biden, and the extreme far left full communism now side, like Bernie Sanders and the Gang of Four in Congress (Bug-eyed AOC, the Somali who said of 9/11 "Some people did something", and the other two who aren't as prominent). There is also the feminazi fringe group who fundamentally will never vote for someone like Biden or Sanders because they are men, and, even worse, white men. The Democrat Party is in the middle of a civil war.
To be fair, so is the Republican Party, between the Trumpians like the God Emperor himself and old guard globalist pussy Republicans who want to give infinite tax breaks for corporations, bomb everyone else on the planet, and present boring, warmonger, boring "boyscout" candidates like Mitt Romney. The Republican Party believes that by kneeling and bearing its throat to the Dems, capitulating on absolutely everything, that leftists will like them. The God Emperor believes that you should bring a flamethrower or a bazooka to a fist fight and crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their wamen. The real challenge for 2024 is cutting out the cancer of "conservativism" from the Republican Party and replacing it with Trumpism, but that's a separate issue for a different time.
The difference between the Dems and the Pubs is that the Pubs have been forcibly united behind Trump, whether they want to be or not. The Bushites, the Dick Cheneys and John McCains, and the Bushes, they've lost their power. Shitposters, trolls, and hacktivists have applied occult memetics, chaos magic, and weaponized autism to defeat the globalists in the party and force the God Emperor into the forefront. Until 2024 it's his party.
The Dems have no singular leader, and they have no coalition of highly effective people who can force one side to take control. The corporatists won't allow Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard to ever have the chance to even compete on the national stage, the communists won't vote for the establishment candidates like Biden, and the strong empowered wamen will never vote for anyone with a penis unless that penis identifies as a vagina. 51% of America (if we include the five or six million illegals and dead people who vote, and the others who are bused around to vote multiple times) might be under the Dems' spell, but like Gotham under the effects of Ra's al Gul's poison, the Democrat Party is tearing itself apart. They've tried to sell the lie that "diversity is strength" for so long that the party has become totally balkanized. They can no longer present a unified front to engage an enemy as powerful as Trump.
Diversity is weakness. Unity is strength. The Founding Fathers (and yes, they were fathers, not androgynous things) knew this when they fought to unify the thirteen colonies against the British, Abraham Lincoln knew this when he fought to keep the Union from rending itself in half, the Allies knew this in the Second World War, and yet radical leftists have seemed to forget this absolute truth. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
And here's the sticking point, to drive all this home. The Democrat Party is broke. Hitlery Roddamn Clinton bankrupted the party in 2016. Any candidate that the party coughs forward will need to kiss the rings of the Wall Street "millionaires and billionaires", the "tippy tops" in order to have the money enough to run a successful campaign. And many of those Wall Street neo-libs flat will not support Elizabeth Warren. Several Wall Street elite are saying they will either sit out the 2020 election or will support Trump if the Democrats nominate Warren. Bernie Sanders has recently survived a heart attack and has put his campaign on hold. He cannot win and will likely drop out soon. Joe Biden keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper with this Ukraine scandal involving his son's questionably legal activities. Coupled with his rapidly advancing dementia, there is a good chance Biden will not be running against Trump in 2020 either. The ONLY other person in the Democrat's quiver is Elizabeth Warren, who lied about her race for half a century. Without the explicit support of the Wall Street donors Warren has no chance of even approaching the voter turnout Clinton received in 2016. The election will be a bloodbath. It will be a landslide on the scale of Nixon in 1972 or Reagan in 1984.
This is how a party dies. The Sun will rise in 2021 with Donald Trump settling down in the Oval Office for four more years and the Democrats will be the new Whig party.