The United States is leaving Syria, fulfilling yet another of President Trump's campaign promises and ending Ovomit's disastrous war against Russia and secularism in the Middle East. The crime against humanity known as the "Arab Spring", orchestrated by Hitlery Roddamn Clinton and Ovomit, and responsible for the creation of ISIS, is reaching its end. The US is pulling out of Syria and leaving it to the secular, moderate Assad and the Russians to regain control and hopefully bring stability back to a region that has been ravaged for almost a decade.
In doing his part not to ensnare the US into more pointless foreign wars and end pointless foreign wars already being fought, Trump is making his bid for one of the greatest US presidents in history. Any coward hiding behind a desk 5,000 miles away can start a war, it takes real courage to end a war that should have never been started in the first place and has metastasized into a self-licking ice cream cone.