Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ricky Gervais Goes In Dry At Golden Globes

Ricky Gervais, who I guess is a comedian or something with a show on Netflix, went in dry at the Golden Globes. No lube, no condoms, nothing. He took no prisoners and told all the celebrities, the champagne socialist hypocrites, to shut up and stop pretending to be righteous and holier than thou. He's an atheist, by the way, so he doesn't believe in holiness in the first place.

He shoved a big black dildo up the asses of the elite, calling them out on their worship of companies like Crapple, who runs sweatshops in China where workers sleep on the floor and suicide nets are put on the windows to keep them from killing themselves, and Amazon, which has vending machines that dispense painkillers instead of candy because they force their workers to perform superhuman feats during impossibly long shifts before cutting them loose after getting seriously injured. These companies that tell us to be good, and that believe they should censor the world, they are the true authoritarian tyrants who despise humanity. I remember during the Bush era when leftists used to hate corporations, now they worship corporations because they make all the overpriced trendy shit leftists are addicted to. And because "orange man bad". Can't forget that one. Now they want "full censorship now!" to shut up orange man and his followers.

Woke celebrities only care about money and brownie points, and nothing else. They need constant attention and constant praise and will repeat whatever their globalist overlords like Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook tell them to say, but they don't really believe in anything. They've long ago sold their souls to Satan in exchange for worldly power.

That didn't stop the celebutards from making political statements, saying woke shit, and fawning over one another.

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