The Demonshits wouldn't acquiesce to a mere $5 billion for a "beautiful" steel slat barrier on the most troubled sections of the US border. A proposal, I might add, that would have been passed without incident had any other President proposed it. If this was Ovomit, or Capital Bush, or Billy Boy, Congress would have had no trouble passing it. It wasn't even all the Demonshits, Chuck You Schumer was showing signs that he was willing to negotiate, it was the billionaire Pelosi who has enough Botox in her face to qualify as WMD's. She also has moderate stage dementia.
Of course this doesn't hurt Trump's base who elected him in a large part to build the wall, this will hurt the Demonshits in Congress, because it is the Congress who are always hurt by any shutdown. We saw what amnesty did to California and we can't take a single step back. Not one step back. We build the wall and create meaningful border security and immigration reform or it's all over, America, the great shining city on the hill will be over and we'll become just another tin horn banana republic.
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