Thank God. Not everything Trump is doing is asinine, suicidal, and hypocritical.
The Demonshits tried to filibuster the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, so the Republicrats invoked the nuclear option and rammed him through in a 54-49.
Hell yeah! Someone who is allegedly an originalist and a textualist when it comes to interpreting the Constitution, meaning he goes by what is written, not by personal feewings. You know, like how the right to murder was hallucinated into the Constitution, even though it explicitly states, multiple times, that no one can be denied life without due process of law? Or how several judges said they feel it's the current year so marriage should be re-defined even though there was no basis in law for their decisions? Gorsuch, instead, is going to do his job rather than legislate from the bench.
The Supreme Court was so inconsequential that when Washington was designed there was no separate building for the court to convene in. The Supreme Court was so unimportant that they were relegated to the basement of the Capitol building. Then The Big D, FDR, came along and built the court a monumental edifice when he inflated their powers. FDR, and all the progressives who came after him, made the court into Congress II: Legislate Harder. He had so much blatantly illegal, unconstitutional junk he wanted to ram through that he gave the court powers it never had before, and gave them an imposing new headquarters to go with their new authoritah.
Gorsuch will now check that power. He could be in office for another 30 years or more. And when Ginsburg or one of the four other communists drops dead and needs to be replaced, another constitutionalist will be nuclear optioned through and then the progressives will lose for the next generation. Then we can actually start rebuilding America.
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