Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic

China has been doing all it can to disguise the fact that 1. the 2019-nCoV virus was manufactured in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, and 2. that the virus has spread beyond the CCP's control.

China's various efforts to disguise the true extent of the pandemic include:

•Re-defining what constitutes a case of coronavirus to include only people who test positive for the disease and are presenting symptoms, knowing that it can take days or even weeks before symptoms to manifest while the person is still infectious, allowing them to spread the virus even farther.

•Pressuring the World Health Organization to call anyone other than official, credentialed presstitutes talking about the disease, basic prepping, or wanting to restrict travel of people suspected to have come in contact with the virus as spreading "anti-Chinese racism".

•Lying that the coronavirus is safer than seasonal flu.

•Deliberately releasing "official" statistics that are lower than they are in reality to make it appear that the disease is under control and that rate of new cases is slowing down.

•Re-naming the disease as a new form of SARS, which was so ineffectual that it had become a joke not long after the outbreak had ended.

The WHO is more concerned about waycism than preventing the spread of a deadly disease, which is its entire raison d'être.

Seen in the screenshot below, with the archived link here, the spread of the disease is definitely not slowing down. In fact, we have now seen 15,000 new cases being reported in a single day, bringing the total to near 60,000.


Of course, I've archived the link because we know China has thousands of people who are paid specifically to censor Wikipedia articles so people think the most butcherous regime that has ever existed is loving puppy dogs and sunshine. They even say it in the terminology they use for things, like the invasion of Tibet is called "peaceful liberation." Sure, two million people were murdered, but they were murdered peacefully because they were Western imperialists, when the only Westerners in the whole country were two expat Austrian mountaineers who sought asylum in Tibet to escape a British POW camp in India.

At this rate we will definitely see 100,000 cases by the end of the week, with real totals being much higher. Maybe a million cases by the end of the month. The disease may only have a two percent case fatality, but two percent of a million is still 20,000, and worse a fifth of all cases lead to serious viral pneumonia that require four to six weeks of hospitalization. If you remove 200,000 people from the workforce for a month while tens of millions remain under quarantine you collapse the economy. China could very well sink into an economic depression that would drag the rest of the world with it.

God help us if it spreads to other countries. Only a few travelers from China were quarantined in India. If it manages to get out there will be millions of cases and any form of containment will be impossible. India can't round up people on the streets and break their necks if they don't comply, or put 400 million people on lock down in an attempt to keep the disease from spreading.

An infected person was accidentally released, temporarily, on the streets of San Diego, California before being brought back to the hospital. Parts of California are like fourth world countries, where leprosy and bubonic plague are endemic and a third of all America's homeless are allowed to defecate and shoot heroin in the streets. If nCoV got lose in San Francisco it would burn through the city in weeks with nothing to stop it.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Brexit Day

"There's an historic battle going on right now across the West: in Europe, America, and elsewhere. It is globalism against populism. And you may loathe populism, but I tell you a funny thing, it's becoming very popular."

Nigel Farage, 2020 AD

After he said that Mr. Farage and a group of other Britishers, not Europeans, were bullied by this really nasty clipped-haired bitch who has some sort of power within the EU.

After three and a half years the British government has finally gotten off their asses, put some powdered wigs on, ate that penance they call food, and left the European Union. The UK has regained its sovereignty after being a vassal of Fuhrer Merkel's Fourth Reich for 27 years. Make no mistake, Germany has been trying to conquer Europe since the days of the "Holy Roman Empire" a thousand years ago. After two world wars the free peoples of Europe were tired of fighting and gave up without firing a shot as the newly reunified Germany gained control of the continent through socialist treaties promising free shit to an aging population tired of working.

Britain used to be a superpower. Britannia ruled the waves and controlled 1/4 of the world's land area, more territory than the entire surface of the Moon, and with the exception of some rabble-rousers across the pond, Britannia was the undefeated and undisputed master of the world for nearly two centuries. Unquestionably, the British Empire spread reason and justice across the world, ending barbaric practices in her colonies such as sati, the Hindu practice of throwing a widow onto the funeral pyre of her dead husband to preserve her honor. This was back in the age when people understood that even if a barbaric practice was part of someone's culture it could still be wrong and needed to be abolished.

Brexit was only the beginning. Britain will do fine. Britain has the fifth largest economy in the world and now that it has become unshackled from EU regulations there's nowhere left to go but up. Meanwhile, EU member states are faltering. Rioters are burning the streets of Paris, half the superstate is bankrupt and living off welfare, and the endless invasion from the third world is pushing states like Poland and Hungary toward escape as well. Right now the EU is a house of cards waiting to collapse, and it's only a matter of time, and I suspect a short few years, before more states seek to reclaim their own sovereignty and follow Britain's lead. Greece will likely remain sucking on the tit of socialism forever, but if France were to leave the EU would collapse overnight, and with it Merkle's dream of a pan-European army.

However long it takes is not important. Britain waited almost four years for freedom, and now one of the greatest civilizations in all of history has begun on the path of reclaiming a brilliant future of peace and prosperity. God bless Britannia and her people.