Trump's approval rating is the same as Obama's was at this same time in his presidency, and yet if you listen to the media you'd think Obama was Jesus Christ who is loved by all and Trump is Hitler and everyone wants to see him hanged.
Both Obama and Trump were in the low to mid 40% approval in their third year. Furthermore, since the widespread polarization of America we've seen the past several decades, NO ONE can get more than say 55% approval (If we look at this chart, W Bush got a higher average approval than Obama, and Clinton higher than him, and HW Bush higher than him. The ONLY president since Kennedy who received 60% approval or better, was George H W Bush. Everyone else got below 60%, which would be a failing grade. At 70% Kennedy is the highest since polls were taken, making C- the highest grade any president has ever gotten in a century.)
It's the same trick they did in 2004. Bush and Kerry had the same grades in school, graduated with the same GPA at the same position in their graduating class, and yet the media portrayed Bush as so brutally retarded he couldn't breathe and walk at the same time and said Kerry was the most brilliant intellectual who ever ran for office. (Both Bush and Kerry went to Yale at roughly the same time, and got roughly the same grades, so it's a good enough metric to measure them both by equally.)
The media are obviously living in an alternate reality. I don't believe it's just all propaganda, I think they really are insane. The head honchos in the media really know what they are doing and hire people with schizophrenia who are hallucinating the world to appear like the media want to portray it. You don't have to tell people to lie if they believe the lie to be true, they will gladly proclaim the lie to be truth without any sort of top-down direction.
The same is true for popular vote. The highest percentage of the popular vote any president has gotten since records have been kept (1824) was LBJ, who got 61%!
Johnson, FDR, Nixon, and Warren Harding (remember him? Me neither), were the only presidents to get 60% of the popular vote. Only 4 presidents got elected on a D- of popular support. Popular vote means jack shit.
There have been 14 presidential elections since the death of Kennedy, of them 5 electoral victories lost the popular vote: Donald Trump, George W Bush in 2000, Bill Clinton both times, and Richard Nixon in 1968 (who would go on to win one of the largest electoral landslides ever in 4 years).
For all the shit people talk about Republicans losing the popular vote, former Democrat darling Bill Clinton lost the popular vote twice! Bill Clinton got only 43% of the popular vote in 1992, much lower than Trump in 2016.
It's the same thing with approval ratings. You take a sample of a thousand people and extrapolate that to explain the thinking of 350 million people? Bullshit. You're making it up. You're inventing data to suit your agenda.
I hate that I actually have to defend the Republicans so much, because I can't stand them. I hate both political parties, but the media and academia lie so much I feel the need to balance the universe.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
For the record, I don't like how every political scandal, not just scandal, every political event, is referred to with the suffix "-gate", but it is what it is and if I refer to it as something else no one will know what I'm talking about.
Apparently there's this dude, Eric Swallow. He was a presidential neverbeen for three months before dropping out. The highlight of his campaign was when he said that he wanted to use nukes against gun owners to disarm them. Ever the bitch for punishment, Swallow decided to come back for more. He went on TV to talk about the attempted coup against Donald Trump and then a rumbling in his tumbling bubbled up and said "I'm about to end this man's whole career." Swallow's ass then exploded on live TV and he finally accomplished the 15 seconds of fame he had dreamed about his whole life. Eric Swallow's ass is also the only Democrat to say anything intelligent during this "impeachment" fiasco.
Swallow said that "The President used taxpayer dollars to ass the Ukrainians to help him cheat - " [pause], and then he let out the biggest fart since Barney Frank said we need to print infinity billion dollars instead of giving people jobs. Not only does he pause, he clearly shifts his weight to one side to open up his butt cheeks a little bit to let the fart out.
Apparently there's this dude, Eric Swallow. He was a presidential neverbeen for three months before dropping out. The highlight of his campaign was when he said that he wanted to use nukes against gun owners to disarm them. Ever the bitch for punishment, Swallow decided to come back for more. He went on TV to talk about the attempted coup against Donald Trump and then a rumbling in his tumbling bubbled up and said "I'm about to end this man's whole career." Swallow's ass then exploded on live TV and he finally accomplished the 15 seconds of fame he had dreamed about his whole life. Eric Swallow's ass is also the only Democrat to say anything intelligent during this "impeachment" fiasco.
Swallow said that "The President used taxpayer dollars to ass the Ukrainians to help him cheat - " [pause], and then he let out the biggest fart since Barney Frank said we need to print infinity billion dollars instead of giving people jobs. Not only does he pause, he clearly shifts his weight to one side to open up his butt cheeks a little bit to let the fart out.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Obama Criticizes Leftists for Being Too Far Left
You've read that right. Barack Obama, who did everything in his power to "fundamentally transform" the United States, who spent eight years trying to drag America kicking and screaming as far left as possible, is seeing the death spiral that the left has entered and is advising them to take a step back and moderate themselves.
This is why Obama won in 2008 and again in 2012. He is very smart, and knows exactly what he is doing. Now, I happen to think he's a reptile, but he's a very smart reptile who knows how to read the pulse of the people and to manipulate them, just like Donald Trump.
In America the Democrat Party has taken a very, very hard left turn since losing bigly in 2016. They have embraced full socialism and speak proudly about wanting to import the entire third world and promptly putting them on welfare, a plan that will require more money than the entire world's economy. They are crucifying one another in a never ending purity spiral and alienating the people whom they must court to win the election. The Democrat candidates are doing nothing short of seeing who can lose the 2020 election the fastest.
Obama is trying, desperately, to "educate" the Democrats and the "full communism now" people, that what they are doing fundamentally cannot and will not work, and if they want to win elections in the future they have to make compromises with reality. He literally says that the Democrats "Have to be rooted in reality." They have gone off the deep end and have lost their minds. They need to take the advice of someone who has won two presidential elections and stop trying to burn America to the ground.
This is why Obama won in 2008 and again in 2012. He is very smart, and knows exactly what he is doing. Now, I happen to think he's a reptile, but he's a very smart reptile who knows how to read the pulse of the people and to manipulate them, just like Donald Trump.
In America the Democrat Party has taken a very, very hard left turn since losing bigly in 2016. They have embraced full socialism and speak proudly about wanting to import the entire third world and promptly putting them on welfare, a plan that will require more money than the entire world's economy. They are crucifying one another in a never ending purity spiral and alienating the people whom they must court to win the election. The Democrat candidates are doing nothing short of seeing who can lose the 2020 election the fastest.
Obama is trying, desperately, to "educate" the Democrats and the "full communism now" people, that what they are doing fundamentally cannot and will not work, and if they want to win elections in the future they have to make compromises with reality. He literally says that the Democrats "Have to be rooted in reality." They have gone off the deep end and have lost their minds. They need to take the advice of someone who has won two presidential elections and stop trying to burn America to the ground.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Eric Ciaramella is the Fake Whistleblower
Former Biden staffer, registered Democrat, and CIA scumbag Eric Ciaramella is the Ukraine "whistleblower", who violated legal whistleblower protocol.
The impeachment of Donald Trump is a Democrat coup that they have been putting together for three years.
Big tech, of course, is illegally censoring the name Eric Ciaramella. Videos on Youtube are automatically set to private, comments on Facebook are automatically deleted. Allegedly this is for safety reasons, but the only people who would want to cause harm to Ciaramella are the deep state to keep him from testifying and unveiling all their secrets. If Ciaramella were to testify then he would reveal that a coup was in the making since before Trump took office. The entire military-industrial-media complex is implicated in this, and you can be sure as shit that they would try to kill him just like they killed Jeffrey Epstein if he were to take the stand.
And yes, it is illegal. I don't give a shit about "muh private corporation," these tech companies are monopolies and are in violation of anti-trust laws. Funny how that was never a thing when it was refusing to bake a cake, then it was fake, bullshit civil rights and the government had to step in. It is illegal, because these companies are illegal monopolies.

I wonder why they don't want this man's name revealed?
By the way, Senator Rand Paul name dropped CIA-ramella in the press, so can we drop the charade and just dispense with the censorshit already?
The impeachment of Donald Trump is a Democrat coup that they have been putting together for three years.
Big tech, of course, is illegally censoring the name Eric Ciaramella. Videos on Youtube are automatically set to private, comments on Facebook are automatically deleted. Allegedly this is for safety reasons, but the only people who would want to cause harm to Ciaramella are the deep state to keep him from testifying and unveiling all their secrets. If Ciaramella were to testify then he would reveal that a coup was in the making since before Trump took office. The entire military-industrial-media complex is implicated in this, and you can be sure as shit that they would try to kill him just like they killed Jeffrey Epstein if he were to take the stand.
And yes, it is illegal. I don't give a shit about "muh private corporation," these tech companies are monopolies and are in violation of anti-trust laws. Funny how that was never a thing when it was refusing to bake a cake, then it was fake, bullshit civil rights and the government had to step in. It is illegal, because these companies are illegal monopolies.

I wonder why they don't want this man's name revealed?
By the way, Senator Rand Paul name dropped CIA-ramella in the press, so can we drop the charade and just dispense with the censorshit already?
What is Trump's Crime?
The shitshow that is the impeachment of President Donald Trump is finally being taken out of closed doors and presented to the public on TV. If you're under the age of 60 and don't know what a TV is, you haven't watched it. In the video below the chad Tucker Carlson (to the virgin Ben Shapiro*) explains the entire alleged purpose of the impeachment. What is Donald Trump's crime?
He didn't want to start World War Three with Russia.
According to the military-industrial-media complex, the entire purpose of US foreign policy is war with Russia. Everything the US does must be viewed through the lens of war with Russia. Entertaining the possibility of an end to the Cold War is ideologically impossible, even though Russia is near bankrupt, everyone already hates them, their military is second rate at best, all their scientists have escaped to countries that can actually pay them real money, their population is decreasing rapidly and will halve in the next 50 years regardless of anything that can be done, and the country will collapse soon as there is no one to replace their aging strongman leader. The gerontological cold warriors have their heads so far up their own asses that they can't see the forest through the trees. They are so inured to fanatical anti-Russian race hatred that they cannot entertain the possibility that Russia poses us no threat, and that we should be focusing on China, who is buying up the United States bit by bit at breakneck speed.
This is the reason the Demonshits are giving, at least. Part of it may be true, but it's a lie nonetheless. This is a coup against the President as sure as the sky is blue. They've been planning this since before his inauguration. The Democrat Party has tried to impeach five of the last six Republican presidents. The Demonshits want to veto the people's vote and abolish the United States. Colonel Bernie Sanders, who was kicked out of an honest to Lenin communist commune for being too lazy, wants to abolish the United States and let a billion third worlders in. This is about absolute power and "fundamentally transforming" the United States. Make no mistake about that.
*The virgin Ben Shapiro vs. the chad Tucker Carlson:
Ben Shapiro wants to put a boy scout up against a prize fighter to get raped to death, because he's good and not mean.
Tucker Carlson wants to put a cowboy up against a prize fighter who won't even bother with the fight, he'll just pull out a gun and shoot the other guy, because it's perfectly possible to be both good and mean at the same time.
Ben Shapiro is a manlet virgin who would practice inbreeding with his chosen tribe if he could ever get it up.
Tucker Carlson is a tall, statuesque chad who is swimming in pussy but saves himself for his Christian wife.
He didn't want to start World War Three with Russia.
According to the military-industrial-media complex, the entire purpose of US foreign policy is war with Russia. Everything the US does must be viewed through the lens of war with Russia. Entertaining the possibility of an end to the Cold War is ideologically impossible, even though Russia is near bankrupt, everyone already hates them, their military is second rate at best, all their scientists have escaped to countries that can actually pay them real money, their population is decreasing rapidly and will halve in the next 50 years regardless of anything that can be done, and the country will collapse soon as there is no one to replace their aging strongman leader. The gerontological cold warriors have their heads so far up their own asses that they can't see the forest through the trees. They are so inured to fanatical anti-Russian race hatred that they cannot entertain the possibility that Russia poses us no threat, and that we should be focusing on China, who is buying up the United States bit by bit at breakneck speed.
This is the reason the Demonshits are giving, at least. Part of it may be true, but it's a lie nonetheless. This is a coup against the President as sure as the sky is blue. They've been planning this since before his inauguration. The Democrat Party has tried to impeach five of the last six Republican presidents. The Demonshits want to veto the people's vote and abolish the United States. Colonel Bernie Sanders, who was kicked out of an honest to Lenin communist commune for being too lazy, wants to abolish the United States and let a billion third worlders in. This is about absolute power and "fundamentally transforming" the United States. Make no mistake about that.
*The virgin Ben Shapiro vs. the chad Tucker Carlson:
Ben Shapiro wants to put a boy scout up against a prize fighter to get raped to death, because he's good and not mean.
Tucker Carlson wants to put a cowboy up against a prize fighter who won't even bother with the fight, he'll just pull out a gun and shoot the other guy, because it's perfectly possible to be both good and mean at the same time.
Ben Shapiro is a manlet virgin who would practice inbreeding with his chosen tribe if he could ever get it up.
Tucker Carlson is a tall, statuesque chad who is swimming in pussy but saves himself for his Christian wife.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Trump Almost Certainly Will Win in 2020
Trump out-raised all the Democrats combined in Commifornia, the farthest left state of them all.
There are no Democrats who even stand a chance against Trump in 2020 except Pete Buttigieg, and there's 0% chance of him getting the nomination. The top 3 contenders are totally non-viable. Joe Biden is clearly suffering from rapidly advancing dementia and most likely will not be alive in 4 years, Bernie Sanders is a full decade older and has recently suffered a heart attack and also will most likely not be alive in 4 years and is a proud socialist in a country where at least 60% of the electorate will flat out not vote for a socialist, and Elizabeth Warren* is a make-believe socialist who has lied about her ethnicity for 50 years and will not get financial backing from key Democrat donors due to her anti-Wall Street rhetoric. Warren is the worst of the three. She's worse than Hillary. If Warren is put up against Trump we'll see Trump flip hard line Democrat states in a repeat of Reagan in 1984 or Nixon in 1972.
Trump is going to get at least 330 electoral votes next year. And Steve Bannon, one of the political genii behind Trump's earth-shattering victory in 2016, is even predicting he will get 400 electoral votes. Trump has godlike support among Republicans, just behind or even higher than Reagan, depending on who you ask. And Republicans love Reagan more than Jesus Christ. Reagan is to Republicans what Satan is to Democrats.
Even the Washington Shitpost, the most dishonest, farthest left of all leftist extremely fake news rags ever published, says that no one has ever seen a re-election machine as powerful as that created by Donald Trump for 2020.
*Elizabeth Warren is 99.98% white, making her the whitest person who has ever lived. She lied about her race for 50 years. And Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
There are no Democrats who even stand a chance against Trump in 2020 except Pete Buttigieg, and there's 0% chance of him getting the nomination. The top 3 contenders are totally non-viable. Joe Biden is clearly suffering from rapidly advancing dementia and most likely will not be alive in 4 years, Bernie Sanders is a full decade older and has recently suffered a heart attack and also will most likely not be alive in 4 years and is a proud socialist in a country where at least 60% of the electorate will flat out not vote for a socialist, and Elizabeth Warren* is a make-believe socialist who has lied about her ethnicity for 50 years and will not get financial backing from key Democrat donors due to her anti-Wall Street rhetoric. Warren is the worst of the three. She's worse than Hillary. If Warren is put up against Trump we'll see Trump flip hard line Democrat states in a repeat of Reagan in 1984 or Nixon in 1972.
Trump is going to get at least 330 electoral votes next year. And Steve Bannon, one of the political genii behind Trump's earth-shattering victory in 2016, is even predicting he will get 400 electoral votes. Trump has godlike support among Republicans, just behind or even higher than Reagan, depending on who you ask. And Republicans love Reagan more than Jesus Christ. Reagan is to Republicans what Satan is to Democrats.
Even the Washington Shitpost, the most dishonest, farthest left of all leftist extremely fake news rags ever published, says that no one has ever seen a re-election machine as powerful as that created by Donald Trump for 2020.
*Elizabeth Warren is 99.98% white, making her the whitest person who has ever lived. She lied about her race for 50 years. And Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Eric Ciaramella
Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella Eric Ciaramella.
Fuck yourselves, fascist tech oligarchs. Fuck your private corporation.
Trump Turns Impeachment Against Dems
New video from Styx explaining the absolute brilliance of Donald Trump, who is an extremely stable genius, by the way. Donald Trump is not only the biggest troll in the history of the world, he knows more about manipulating people than just about anyone. He can purposefully misspell a word and dominate the news cycle for days. The lamestream media gave Trump $2 billion in free advertising in 2016 (Market Watch estimates $3 billion, Open estimates $6 billion!), and no press is bad press, so Trump was able to gain votes simply through the perception of infamy.
Trump may be using the Dem's little impeachment stunt against them in some of the best political Judo of all time. He may be bogging down several Dems in Washington, forcing Biden, who has rapidly progressing dementia, to become the nominee and win over even more voters who will see the impeachment as nothing more than a partisan witch hunt.
Trump is well on his way to that 400 electoral vote victory in 2020.
Trump may be using the Dem's little impeachment stunt against them in some of the best political Judo of all time. He may be bogging down several Dems in Washington, forcing Biden, who has rapidly progressing dementia, to become the nominee and win over even more voters who will see the impeachment as nothing more than a partisan witch hunt.
Trump is well on his way to that 400 electoral vote victory in 2020.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Thanks, Obama!
No, I didn't spill a bowl of potato chips or hurt myself opening a jar of pickles, this time it's genuine. I am, shock of all shocks, horror of all horrors, thanking former President Obama for his oversight in leaving 142 judge seats vacant, which current President Trump is filling. As ye all know, the courts are the most powerful branch of government, able to create laws out of whole cloth by rendering contradictory verdicts and hallucinating things into the Constitution that don't exist. The courts shape public policy, and with so many vacancies Donald Trump is setting policy in the US for the next thirty years. He is guaranteeing that America has a bright future ahead of it. Thanks, indeed, Obama!
Monday, November 4, 2019
OK Boomer
The left cannot meme. To prove it Elizabeth Warren, who, by the way, is 99.98% white, making her the whitest person who has ever lived even though she lied about her race for 50 years, and who drinks Rolling Rock piss beer more awkwardly than that Serbian guy drank poison at the war crimes trial, created a corporate committee to give a 45 minute PowerPoint(TM) presentation to explain what a meme is and how to make them while totally missing the point.
Meanwhile Trump laughs in president and starving people in Venezuela are trading rare pepe memes as currency.
Still less awkward than Elizabeth Warren.
Meanwhile Trump laughs in president and starving people in Venezuela are trading rare pepe memes as currency.
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