Tuesday, June 12, 2018

North Korea Summit A Yuge Success

THIS is why we elected Trump. He's here to end wars, not to start new ones, or to perpetuate old, pointless wars. And what could be bigger than ending a war that began before most people on the planet were born?

President Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un yesterday in Singapore, already a first. More than that they signed an agreement to completely denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

But wait! Isn't this just Neville Chamberlain's "Peace for our time"? Isn't Kim just waving that paper around and at the very next moment turn around and start a war?

Not a chance. He knows this is the only future for him and his nation. Hitler was a fool, Kim Jong Un, unlike his father and grandfather, is a smart, rational leader. So too is Trump a very stable genius.

Very fake news is also laughing at Trump for promising to end the joint war games between the US and South Korea. Trump has managed to use his master manipulator powers to make the leftist establishment reveal to the world that they are warmongers. Fake news, the "main stream" corporate dinosaur media, the corporate political party elites, and the corporate globalist banksters all want war and Trump is the President of peace.

Bill Maher came out and said what all the leftist establishment is deeply praying to Satan for, that the US economy collapses and millions of innocent people die to destroy Trump's presidency. These people have all revealed themselves not at the compassionate ones, who care for the poor and the minorities, but as the evil, blood-sucking vampires who live by draining the lifeblood from we, the people.

Ending the war games is exactly what we want. That's an absolute victory not only for Trump, as peace in Korea will guarantee his re-election in 2020 and may even guarantee the election of his chosen successor in 2024, it is a major victory for North Korea, and for the entire world. Peace is not defeat, peace is victory. If the Korean war ends then what's the point of planning to invade the North? It's pointless. All it is is a massive dick measuring contest that serves no one but the politico-media-military complex.

You could speculate what Kim means when he says about denuclearization: “We are starting that process very quickly.” Does quickly mean as soon as he returns home, or does it mean quickly in government terms, on the scale of decades? Either way, it doesn't matter. You can't end 70 year old war overnight. It's been suggested that, like with the Jews wandering the desert for 40 years, we may have to wait for the old generation who believes the Eternal President Kim Il Sung to be a literal god on Earth to die out before Korea can be reunified. That makes absolute perfect sense. Fools fundamentally change everything all at once, caring not for the people to push back and destroy your legacy of dirt. Wise leaders change at the pace humans naturally change at, which is gradually. And Trump and Kim are both wise leaders.

Here's a video of the two world leaders shaking hands sandwiched between shots of traffic and buildings.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Korean Summit Back On

The Ron Paulites who freaked out that the sky was falling while sniffed their own farts because they smell so much better than the farts of we plebs, braying how "the Jews" and "neocons" had deliberately derailed the Korea summit in order to start a war were, unsurprisingly, wrong.

The leftists who were laughing at Trump supporters while sniffing their own farts because they smell so much better than the farts of we plebs, braying how Trump is an idiot, he's orange, and he has small hands and a small penis, were, unsurprisingly, wrong.

The Korean summit is back on and will still be held in Singapore on 12 June.

You don't have to be a genius to have predicted this. You don't have to be a genius to realise that Trump is the antithesis of the past several presidents that we've had and that he knows that he will not get re-elected if he starts another war. That's why his only acts of aggression so far have been to bomb a couple abandoned airports after giving warning several hours in advance so anyone present can evacuate. Trump doesn't want to start a war. You would have to be willfully stupid to think that he does.