Friday, May 25, 2018

Korea Summit Cancelled

If you're a leftist you're laughing at how Trump failed in canceling the summit between the US and the two Koreas this June. If you're a Ron Paulite you're screaming that the sky is falling and that "the Jews" have infiltrated the US government and Trump is their puppet. People who have read The Art of the Deal (which is one of the best books ever written, and you can find it in the Recommended Books section) understand exactly what Trump is doing. I've often criticised the idea of "4D chess" as a tool to explain away every bad decision Trump has made, but pulling out of the Korea summit makes perfect sense.

First the letter which Trump sent to Kim Jong Un announcing his decision to leave the summit:

His Excellency
Kim Jong Un
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Dear Mr. Chairman:

We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place. You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.

I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.

If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.

Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America

Look at what Trump did. He got Kim Jong Un to dismantle his nuclear facilities and release US prisoners without having to do anything. He basically got everything he wanted for free. Now Kim has nothing left to bargain with. Trump will come back later and negotiate peace from a position of strength free of any restrictions or fear of loss.

And Kim WILL come back to the bargaining table. Remember, he stands to lose everything as his nation is being increasingly isolated from the world. North Korea is one major famine away from collapsing. Kim also stands to gain everything if he makes peace. He gets legitimacy on the world stage, he gets to keep living the life of an absolute monarch, he gets to be seen as a great man and a Nobel Prize winner around the world, and he gets all the trade deals that have been denied to North Korea for the better part of a century.

John Bolton messed up big league by saying that the US wants to destroy North Korea and drag Kim Jong Un into a pit of anal rape like Hitlery Roddamn Clinton did to Gaddafi's Libya. Trump is now doing what he can to rectify that horrible, horrible mistake.

Trump is essentially doing the same thing with Iran. He took us out of the horribly bad nuclear deal, wrecking further Obama's "legacy" while potentially placing Iran back into dire financial straits, gaining without giving.

This happens to be something common in the barter culture of the Middle East. You make a demand for a price and negotiate with the person who is selling. When you feel like you are getting nowhere you walk away and the desperate seller will make far more concessions just to keep you as a customer and unload their overpriced junk.

Trump, a businessman rather than some Ivy League stuffed shirt politician, understands negotiation better than Obama, who gave Iran billions of US taxpayer dollars to impress European socialists, or Bill Clinton, who gave North Korea nukes in the first place. Not only does he understand negotiation better, he understands non-European cultures better, which tend to be very macho, rather than the castrato culture US politicians are used to dealing with. Since we're dealing with rational people in North Korea and Iran Trump stands to win big league on the international stage and secure re-election in 2020. All he has to do is keep Bolton's war boner under control and the world will become a far safer, more prosperous place for everyone.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Trump: 1 Colon Paperneck: 0

Colon Paperneck, the multimillionaire mediocre football player whose team lost EVERY SINGLE GAME during the season he was QB, has been defeated by the God Emperor, just like every opponent who has ever challenged his Imperium. The NFL will now fine players who kneel during the national anthem.

From The Washington Shitpost:
“Clearly our objective as a league and to all 32 clubs, which was unanimous, is that we want people to be respectful of the national anthem,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said.

Under the new policy, players may choose to remain in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem, but owners said that those who choose to be on the sideline will be expected to stand. The changes also allow the league to fine teams for any protest during the anthem by one of its players.
Paperneck, who is an idiot, with support from a number of other virtue signaling idiots with brain damage from multiple concussions, decided to stupidly protest by kneeling, which has always been a symbol of showing deference. Not that anyone who has ever read a book would expect someone from the NFL to understand that.

After losing a shitton of money the NFL saw the writing on the wall and realised that the hyper-patriotic, beer-guzzling fans hate to see millionaires whinge about being oppressed, so the big wigs with $50,000 suits and hair as ridiculous as Daddy himself unanimously decided to make the players cut the crap and entertain us like they are paid to do.

This is yet another victory for Trump and a defeat for the left.

As a side note, I think this NFL thing is the first time in my lifetime that the mythical "free market" has actually done what it is alleged to do in theory. The NFL was losing money so the "free market" (which is really a government-backed oligopoly) corrected itself and the NFL caved to the pressure and forced players not to kneel.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Media Are Responsible for Mass Shootings

By giving fame to people who commit mass shootings the media teach deranged individuals that the way to achieve immortality is through murder.

Glenn Beck Supports Trump

Glennard Beck, the crazy man who believes Rafael Cruz is the Z̶o̶d̶i̶a̶c̶ ̶K̶i̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ Messiah, now supports Trump because the media have been making shit up for so long. The final straw was when the media defended MS-13, one of the worst criminal gangs in history, when Trump called them animals.

Here Beck goes through a list of Trump's campaign promises that he kept and how unbelievable it is that such a president has accomplished so much with so much opposition.

Friday, May 18, 2018

There Will Be No Blue Wave

As Millennials are turning away from the Democraps, since they promised everything and delivered nothing, one of the three central pillars of Democrap voters is disintegrating. It turns out that young people really like the idea of being able to get a job that pays a living wage. Young people don't like being held down by the generation that refuses to retire. Bread and circuses are not enough, we need jobs, and the left has failed again and again. The left has continued pointless global wars, continued spending money like it is unlimited, and continued to treat humans like a commodity. Young people are getting wise to the lies of the left and are moving to the "far" right. As such there will be no "blue wave" in the mid-terms unless Trump makes a catastrophic mistake like start a new war.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Was Crap

Styx explains why the Iran deal was a shitty deal that did absolutely nothing to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, though it's highly likely Iran never intended to develop weapons in the first place. He also explains why war with Iran almost certainly will not happen.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Trump's Rational Response to the Iran Deal

Trump took the US out of the Iran deal on 8 May and chicken littles are squawking that this is the start of a new world war, just like they squawked over his mean tweets with North Korea. The Iran deal wasn't a treaty, it wasn't even an executive agreement. The deal was nothing more than one of Obama's "pen and stool" acts that had no legal weight and could be reneged on at any time without any legal trouble. The same is true for most of Obama's "legacy". Most of it was hot air that candidate Obama said he would never do because it was executive overreach. Now President Trump is destroying President Obama's legacy in accordance with Candidate Obama's original campaign, while fulfilling Candidate Trump's own campaign promises.

Why do we even need an Iran deal, other than for Obama to send billions of taxpayer dollars to some tinpot regime? We could have just ignored Iran and reinvested that money in fixing the roads or helping homeless veterans. The Iran deal did nothing for the US other than make Obama look good in the face of European globalist aristocrats. It was a PR stunt.

Some people say that the money was Iran's and the US stole it. Bullshit. Some Iranian diplomat didn't misplace a huge pallet of cash at an airport that the US dutifully held in a closet somewhere until it was time for Barry to ship it to them.

The deal didn't prevent them from getting nukes, it just postponed the time for when they can get them, and it allows them to inspect their own sites and everyone has to take them at their word that they're not lying. It was a bad deal that was nothing more than an excuse for Obama to give away US money.

$400 million was being held from an Iranian weapons purchase decades ago back when the Shah was still in power. Iran gave the US the money, the revolution broke out, and the US refused to give the money back. If the US wants to give the new Iran the money back, money that was paid when a different government was in place and Iran was essentially a different country, why take additional money from US taxpayers and add to it? The additional $1.3 billion was not Iranian money held by the FMF, that came from US taxpayers.

There's not going to be a war. The US won't start a war with Iran and bring in Russia, Iran won't start a war and get obliterated. Iran's not going to develop a nuke, because if they did it would start WW3. Where are they going to test it? The whole world will know and Israel and Saudi Arabia won't allow it. Israel may or may not have nukes and the Saudis can just buy nukes from Pakistan and they would turn Iran into a parking lot if the Iranians tried anything.

To me this looks like Trump is trying to set up a second Korea deal. After he makes peace with North Korea he's going to turn around and make a new deal with Iran so he can one up Obama.

Here's Trump's line of thinking. He could be right, he could be wrong, that's not important. What's important is that he does not intend to get us involved in another war. Trump engaged with Kim Jong Un in a flame war for several months, he threatened economic sanctions, and then Kim came to the negotiating table, shook hands with his Southern counterpart, released US prisoners, dismantled his nuclear site, and now stands to benefit from at least semi-normalised relations with the wider world.

Trump thinks he can repeat the same process in Iran. He thinks he can pull out of Obama's deal, toss out some strongly worded tweets, threaten sanctions, and then bring Iran to the negotiating table so he can gain even more acclaim internationally as a peacemaker.

That doesn't mean Trump's plan will work, that's just what he's thinking. He's not going to go to war. If he did he would lose reelection in 2020 and lose at the Korean summit. He's using harsh talk, like he always does, to 1. put down Obama and his "legacy" and 2. work toward re-negotiating the deal with Iran, which he will claim is the "best deal ever in the history of deals" to boost his own image.

Look at Trump's only incidents of sabre rattling so far. Twice he launched a limp-dicked salvo of missiles into Syria that accomplished absolutely nothing. That's it. All the chicken littles are running around thinking Trump is going to push for regime change when so far he's done nothing to indicate that he cares at all about who is running which country. Sure, he'll throw a few missiles around to appease the neocons and neolibs, but they'll all land in the same area and he'll alert the "enemy" ahead of time so they can evacuate before the bombs start falling. When Trump talks about regime change it's all a bunch of hot air to make himself look tough.

He even says that he's leaving open the possibility for renegotiating with Iran, which means that's what he intends to do. Everything else is just showboating. It's theater. Trump is a TV star, this is what he does.

Iran already said that it will comply with the deal so as not to lose its trade relations with Europe, so they're not going to race to get a nuke. Trump will let the Korean summit work out and then in a few months start working with Iran so he can claim that he has outdone Obama in everything.