Protests in Iran have been going on for four days now and the people are fed up with the theocrats running their lives. Several times in the past I've documented here how the Iranian people have tried to throw off the yoke of Mullahs, who have ruled the once free, enlightened, pro-Western nation with an iron fist for the past almost 40 years. Several of the protesters are burning the Ayatollah Khamenei in effigy, demanding he step down.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
ISIS Is Vanquished
ISIS, the worst Islamist barbarians the world has seen in perhaps a century or more, is very nearly totally destroyed. They have lost their capital of Raqqa, they have lost 97% of their territory, and there appears to be only a few thousand jihadis left in the caliphate that never was. It started with Vladimir Putin, who did his best to stand alone as defender of the West for a decade. Even as Ovomit and Hitlery did everything they could to fund, train, and arm ISIS, in Libya and Syria, and even as they gave ISIS tanks and an entire fleet of Toyota trucks, even as they empowered Ottomanist Turkey and threatened to drag Russia into nuclear war, Putin stood his ground and bombed the hell out of ISIS. Then, in 2017, when Trump came into power in the US he changed the rules of engagement and began to bomb ISIS along with Russia. No longer was the US required to fight with two feet in a bucket and only engage targets after having been fired upon first, no longer was the US committed to arming and defending "moderate" jihadis whose weapons ultimately found their way into ISIS hands. Now Trump unleashed hell upon the barbarians, and the two superpowers have beaten them down to the point where not only has ISIS been vanquished, it is near totally obliterated.
Trump Cuts UN Funding
The UN, that cartoonishly evil, Kafkaesque organisation that puts countries like Saudi Arabia run the Human Rights Council and are a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, when they just this year repealed the ban on women being allowed to drive. Saudi Arabia, one of the worst human rights violators on the planet, gets to dictate the world's morality along with such other gems as Afghanistan (formerly the most repressive shithole in the world from 1996 until 2001), Rwanda (1 million murdered in 100 days), Democratic Republic of the Congo (engaged in a 20 year civil war and a major player in the largest war in the past 50 years), and the likes. The UN is without question one of the evilest Luciferian organisations in the history of the world.
The UN recently condemned the United States for recognising the undeniable fact that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, a fact that was near unanimously declared by both houses of Congress in the 1990s, and by promising to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Since half the UN is radical Islamist theocracies who want to exterminate all the Jews in the world to bring about their messiah, and the other half of the UN are Luciferian former Western powers like Belgium, France, and Germany who are committing a genocide on their own people by importing millions of North African Muslims, it's no surprise that such a demonic organisation would condemn the recognition of Israel, the only Western liberal democracy in the entire region.
Well Trump has just got the better of them. Not only has Guatemala followed suit, Trump is cutting funding to the UN to teach them who really pulls the strings.
The United States funds 22% of the UN's $5.5 billion general operations budget and 28% of its $8 billion military budget (a total of $3.5 billion). Well now that the UN has bitten the hand that feeds it Trump is cutting $285 million. You could say "That's only an 8% reduction," but an 8% cut is not an insignificant response to a first offense. If you messed up one time at work and your boss cut your pay by 8% for the whole year that would be pretty significant and if you knew there was no possibility of getting another job if you quit (and NO ONE will pick up the slack if the US quits the UN entirely) you'd definitely think twice about crossing your boss again.
Of course US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley used tact when she censured the den of robbers. That's how you show you have real power, you can call people out while appearing to be benevolent:
The UN recently condemned the United States for recognising the undeniable fact that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, a fact that was near unanimously declared by both houses of Congress in the 1990s, and by promising to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Since half the UN is radical Islamist theocracies who want to exterminate all the Jews in the world to bring about their messiah, and the other half of the UN are Luciferian former Western powers like Belgium, France, and Germany who are committing a genocide on their own people by importing millions of North African Muslims, it's no surprise that such a demonic organisation would condemn the recognition of Israel, the only Western liberal democracy in the entire region.
Well Trump has just got the better of them. Not only has Guatemala followed suit, Trump is cutting funding to the UN to teach them who really pulls the strings.
The United States funds 22% of the UN's $5.5 billion general operations budget and 28% of its $8 billion military budget (a total of $3.5 billion). Well now that the UN has bitten the hand that feeds it Trump is cutting $285 million. You could say "That's only an 8% reduction," but an 8% cut is not an insignificant response to a first offense. If you messed up one time at work and your boss cut your pay by 8% for the whole year that would be pretty significant and if you knew there was no possibility of getting another job if you quit (and NO ONE will pick up the slack if the US quits the UN entirely) you'd definitely think twice about crossing your boss again.
Of course US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley used tact when she censured the den of robbers. That's how you show you have real power, you can call people out while appearing to be benevolent:
“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked. This historic reduction in spending – in addition to many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable UN – is a big step in the right direction. While we are pleased with the results of this year’s budget negotiations, you can be sure we’ll continue to look at ways to increase the UN’s efficiency while protecting our interests.”The message is very clear: Don't step out of line again or you're getting the axe. And they should get the axe. The UN is a cancer on this planet, and Trump is taking the first steps in excising it from the body politic of the United States. Merry Christmas United States, and God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Guatemala to Move Embassy to Jerusalem
Following Trump's lead, Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales announced that his country plans on moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Rumors are floating around that the Czech Republic may move its embassy as well.
President Trump has really started a movement here. The civilised world may be turning away from the oil sheiks whose beliefs and practices are anathema to all liberal Western values. The civilised world is beginning to turn toward Israel, the only Western liberal democracy within a thousand kilometers of the Middle East. The civilised world is rejecting the UN, which has given barbarian states like Saudi Arabia control of "human rights" and "women's rights" committees, when they treat women like chattel and behead people in the streets.
President Trump has really started a movement here. The civilised world may be turning away from the oil sheiks whose beliefs and practices are anathema to all liberal Western values. The civilised world is beginning to turn toward Israel, the only Western liberal democracy within a thousand kilometers of the Middle East. The civilised world is rejecting the UN, which has given barbarian states like Saudi Arabia control of "human rights" and "women's rights" committees, when they treat women like chattel and behead people in the streets.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Trump Secures 2020 Re-Election
The last time a president gave us tax cuts, Ronald Reagan, he secured himself re-election. Reagan won in a landslide. Trump probably won't, but he only needs to secure a few million more votes than any Democrap candidate he's opposing, and those few million will come from the poor people who have benefited most from this new tax plan. The poor from previously Democrap held states who have fallen on horrible times for the past couple decades, the people who secured Trump's election last year, they bet everything on this one policy, and Trump delivered on his promise.
Communist Democraps say that the tax cuts benefit the rich more, but "more" in this case only means they get more money. The rich get more money because they pay more in taxes. The poor benefit more than the rich with Trump's tax breaks because they are getting a larger PERCENTAGE back. A couple thousand dollars means nothing to a rich person, but to a poor person that means the difference between bankruptcy and homelessness and staying afloat. It's just like with the story of the widow's mite, which is appropriate since this is Christmas.
The same metric applies for poor people with Trump's tax breaks. Sure, the "rich" might save more in absolute Dollars in taxes, but the poor will save a far greater percentage, and for those of us living on the edge of poverty that makes all the difference in the world.
This not only works in Trump's favor, it works against the Democraps who are looking strongly like the Grinch, getting angry that Trump dare to give poor people more money at Christmas time. For Democraps this is terrible "optics" to use the word the Fake News people love to spout so much.
Communist Democraps say that the tax cuts benefit the rich more, but "more" in this case only means they get more money. The rich get more money because they pay more in taxes. The poor benefit more than the rich with Trump's tax breaks because they are getting a larger PERCENTAGE back. A couple thousand dollars means nothing to a rich person, but to a poor person that means the difference between bankruptcy and homelessness and staying afloat. It's just like with the story of the widow's mite, which is appropriate since this is Christmas.
And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.The poor widow gave everything she had. It didn't matter to Jesus that the rich people gave a larger absolute amount of money, the widow gave the greatest percentage of her money. To Jesus, who valued our interior states rather than our exterior expressions, the poor widow displayed greater compassion for the poor than the rich people did, because she gave everything.
And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:
For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.
Luke 21:1
The same metric applies for poor people with Trump's tax breaks. Sure, the "rich" might save more in absolute Dollars in taxes, but the poor will save a far greater percentage, and for those of us living on the edge of poverty that makes all the difference in the world.
This not only works in Trump's favor, it works against the Democraps who are looking strongly like the Grinch, getting angry that Trump dare to give poor people more money at Christmas time. For Democraps this is terrible "optics" to use the word the Fake News people love to spout so much.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Leftists Support Trump's Tax Plan
....When they think Bernie Sanders came up with it. This proves that they don't care about policy AT ALL, they just care about the letter behind someone's name. And these people are allowed to vote.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Happy Christmas America
Trump's new tax plan cuts taxes on nearly everyone, especially the poor and middle classes, and kills Obamacare. What's more to ask for?
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Bullshit Lies Cost Roy Moore The Election
We're now living in the French Revolution, where all a fat, ugly feminazi has to do is j'accuse! and a man's career and life is ruined, even if it is proven that she is lying and the man did nothing untoward. Never forget the unfortunate reality of the French Revolution, there are never enough heads to satisfy the guillotine, the revolutionaries get their heads cut off too, and it always ends in a totalitarian dictatorship that restores order by clamping down on the people's freedoms.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Bill O'Reilly: "Women Paid To Bear False Witness Against Trump"
Bill O'Reilly claims to have tapes that reveal anti-Trump groups paying women to create false allegations against Trump in an attempt to get him impeached. If this is true this is a very serious claim of very serious crimes. We know that the whole Russia collusion story is fake news, we know the Democrats, including Ovomit and Clinton, as well as the FBI, are in bed with Russia and they are trying to blame Trump to distract from their own crimes. We know pissgate is fake news. We know all the sexual claims against Trump are fake news. Trump has beaten everything that the left and the establishment GOP have thrown at him, so now they are doubling down and becoming even more outrageous in their attempts to derail the restoration of America.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Why Trump Recognising Jerusalem Is Good
Ben Shapiro explains why Trump, and Congress, and three prior presidents, recognising Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel is not only a moral decision it is a smart decision that may benefit the cause of peace, not harm it.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Everyone Supported Recognising Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel Until Trump Actually Did It!
Former presidents Clinton, Bush, and Ovomit all promised to recognise Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and to move the embassy there. Congress voted overwhelmingly on the same issue. However, just like with securing the border (a Clinton plan that won him a standing ovation in the 90s), everything becomes bad, racialist, and Hitlerian when Trump does it.
Islam's Position on Jerusalem and the Jews
Why does the US recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel anger Muslims? It's simple, and it goes back to the very beginning of Islam.
Don't think for a second that Jerusalem or the Temple Mount is sacred to Muslims. It's not. There are countless videos of Muslims desecrating the Temple Mount, including inside the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque. Muslims don't give a toss about the Temple Mount. It's about the Jews. It's always been about the Jews.
The warlord Mohammad went to the Jews and demanded they convert to Islam. This was back when Mohammad had butchered his way throughout Arabia and conquered all the neighboring tribes, spreading Islam by the sword. The Jews, who have stuck to their one God and have rejected all other cults, told Mohammad to get lost. At this point Mohammad was in good company, as the Jews had told Jesus, the Romans, the Greeks, and everyone else to get lost too. What he did next put him in the same category as Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a man so antagonistic to the Jews that he has been forever remembered as an incarnation of evil. Mohammad made it his mission to seed hatred of Jews into the hearts of all Muslims.
The Caliph Umar, who ruled just a few years after Mohammad died, conquered Jerusalem and built his conquest mosque on top of the Temple Mount so the Jews could never have the holy site ever again in an act of childish vindictiveness.
The Muslims don't want Jerusalem for themselves because they think it is holy, they want Jerusalem to keep it out of the hands of the Jews, who are their most hated enemy. The Jews were the first group of people who rejected Islam, so there is a special hatred for Jews in Islam. Mohammed himself is quoted as saying that at the end of time all the Jews need to be killed before the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah (who has identical traits as the Christian Anti-Christ). Mohammad is reported (in the hadith) as having said that at the end of time the rocks and trees will call out "There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" This needs to be done before the Mahdi can return to Earth to kill all non-Muslims.
The Mahdi is the Muslim messiah. He was a real person who is said to have vanished down a well a thousand years ago. The Supreme Leader of Iran claims to be the only person to whom the Mahdi can communicate, and the Mahdi told him to build nuclear weapons.
The Mahdi is not Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah (the True Messiah). According to Islam Jesus never died on the cross and never redeemed the world. When Jesus was placed on the cross he was teleported directly to Heaven and Judas was placed on the cross. Islam teaches that Christians really worship Judas, and as such are idolaters and must be slaughtered by the Mahdi when he comes to Earth after all the Jews are killed.
That's why Muslims want to deny the Temple Mount and all of Israel to the Jews. If the Jews build the Third Temple then the Jewish Messiah (who is Jesus Christ) will return to Earth. To prevent this they have to drive the Jews into the sea. That's why time after time after time when the Jews have tried to trade land for peace the Muslims have turned them down and launched wars and terror attacks, because this was never about land, this was about hatred of Jews from the very beginning. Just read the Hamas charter. It says the goal of Hamas is to rid the world of Jews. ALL Jews. It doesn't say Israel, it says Jews.
And that is why the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel angers the Muslims, because they know that even with an army a billion strong they are no match for the United States. They see their chances of driving the Jews into the sea and bringing in the reign of the Mahdi as hitting a serious roadblock. The threads of their apocalyptic death cult are unraveling. No more will American presidents wave their little pieces of paper like Neville Chamberlain, promising peace for our time through appeasement to the Muslims. For 14 centuries they have tried to conquer the world and now they see a nuclear superpower standing up to their bullying. That's why they're pissed off, because their plan to kill all Jews is being curtailed by the first righteous leader the West has seen in decades.
Don't think for a second that Jerusalem or the Temple Mount is sacred to Muslims. It's not. There are countless videos of Muslims desecrating the Temple Mount, including inside the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque. Muslims don't give a toss about the Temple Mount. It's about the Jews. It's always been about the Jews.
The warlord Mohammad went to the Jews and demanded they convert to Islam. This was back when Mohammad had butchered his way throughout Arabia and conquered all the neighboring tribes, spreading Islam by the sword. The Jews, who have stuck to their one God and have rejected all other cults, told Mohammad to get lost. At this point Mohammad was in good company, as the Jews had told Jesus, the Romans, the Greeks, and everyone else to get lost too. What he did next put him in the same category as Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a man so antagonistic to the Jews that he has been forever remembered as an incarnation of evil. Mohammad made it his mission to seed hatred of Jews into the hearts of all Muslims.
The Caliph Umar, who ruled just a few years after Mohammad died, conquered Jerusalem and built his conquest mosque on top of the Temple Mount so the Jews could never have the holy site ever again in an act of childish vindictiveness.
The Muslims don't want Jerusalem for themselves because they think it is holy, they want Jerusalem to keep it out of the hands of the Jews, who are their most hated enemy. The Jews were the first group of people who rejected Islam, so there is a special hatred for Jews in Islam. Mohammed himself is quoted as saying that at the end of time all the Jews need to be killed before the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah (who has identical traits as the Christian Anti-Christ). Mohammad is reported (in the hadith) as having said that at the end of time the rocks and trees will call out "There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" This needs to be done before the Mahdi can return to Earth to kill all non-Muslims.
The Mahdi is the Muslim messiah. He was a real person who is said to have vanished down a well a thousand years ago. The Supreme Leader of Iran claims to be the only person to whom the Mahdi can communicate, and the Mahdi told him to build nuclear weapons.
The Mahdi is not Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah (the True Messiah). According to Islam Jesus never died on the cross and never redeemed the world. When Jesus was placed on the cross he was teleported directly to Heaven and Judas was placed on the cross. Islam teaches that Christians really worship Judas, and as such are idolaters and must be slaughtered by the Mahdi when he comes to Earth after all the Jews are killed.
That's why Muslims want to deny the Temple Mount and all of Israel to the Jews. If the Jews build the Third Temple then the Jewish Messiah (who is Jesus Christ) will return to Earth. To prevent this they have to drive the Jews into the sea. That's why time after time after time when the Jews have tried to trade land for peace the Muslims have turned them down and launched wars and terror attacks, because this was never about land, this was about hatred of Jews from the very beginning. Just read the Hamas charter. It says the goal of Hamas is to rid the world of Jews. ALL Jews. It doesn't say Israel, it says Jews.
And that is why the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel angers the Muslims, because they know that even with an army a billion strong they are no match for the United States. They see their chances of driving the Jews into the sea and bringing in the reign of the Mahdi as hitting a serious roadblock. The threads of their apocalyptic death cult are unraveling. No more will American presidents wave their little pieces of paper like Neville Chamberlain, promising peace for our time through appeasement to the Muslims. For 14 centuries they have tried to conquer the world and now they see a nuclear superpower standing up to their bullying. That's why they're pissed off, because their plan to kill all Jews is being curtailed by the first righteous leader the West has seen in decades.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The History of the Israeli-Arab Problem
A brief history of how fanatical hatred of Jews has kept Arab Muslims from making peace with Israel, despite Israel's best efforts.
Palestine is a Lie
There never was a place called "Palestine". There never were a people called "Palestinians". It is a fiction; an Arab political invention of the 20th century designed to oppose the Jews.
The video dispels certain myths concerning the origin of the name 'Palestine' and of the 'Arab Palestinians.' It documents that the 'Arab Palestinians' are in fact mostly from other places, and migrated to what is now Israel at the same time as the Zionist Jews, many of them because of the economic boom that the Zionist Jews produced in what was then British Mandate Palestine. The Zionist Jews did not steal the "best" land from Arab landowners but in fact purchased abandoned desert and swamp land from absentee Arab landlords who were quite eager to sell. This was explained by Hajj Amin al Husseini himself. Husseini, father of the Palestinian movement, launched his fourth terrorist attack against the Jews of the Mandate in 1936-39. The violence was so great that the British sent a team to investigate. When questioned, Husseini admitted that the Zionist Jews had not stolen anybody's land but in fact had bought it. In fact, Husseini had been among the major consolidators and sellers of land, and growing tremendously rich by it.
The video dispels certain myths concerning the origin of the name 'Palestine' and of the 'Arab Palestinians.' It documents that the 'Arab Palestinians' are in fact mostly from other places, and migrated to what is now Israel at the same time as the Zionist Jews, many of them because of the economic boom that the Zionist Jews produced in what was then British Mandate Palestine. The Zionist Jews did not steal the "best" land from Arab landowners but in fact purchased abandoned desert and swamp land from absentee Arab landlords who were quite eager to sell. This was explained by Hajj Amin al Husseini himself. Husseini, father of the Palestinian movement, launched his fourth terrorist attack against the Jews of the Mandate in 1936-39. The violence was so great that the British sent a team to investigate. When questioned, Husseini admitted that the Zionist Jews had not stolen anybody's land but in fact had bought it. In fact, Husseini had been among the major consolidators and sellers of land, and growing tremendously rich by it.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Christmas Music Sucks
Christmas songs suck.
If you go outside around more than 4 people from the beginning of November until the end of December you will hear Christmas songs and likely nothing but Christmas songs. The problem with Christmas songs is that once you remove all the songs about Jesus, who is persona non grata in today's atheist society, there are all of 7 Christmas songs left. And you've heard all of them. And they all sound the same. And those same 7 songs are played on continuous loop for two months until you start to envy the deaf.
All 7 Christmas songs are shit. They're bullshit designed to make money. Every pop star for the past 60 years has known that producing a Christmas album is guaranteed to make tons of money, because even though EVERYONE has heard all 7 Christmas songs a thousand times, like an Alzheimer's patient, people need to buy the new album that contains the exact same 7 Christmas songs just because a different person sings them. As if they've never heard those songs before.
Why does Christmas exist? It's not to sell garbage to rich people who don't need any more garbage. CHRISTmas exists because of Jesus Christ. Sure, the date is wrong, but Christmas exists to celebrate the birth of Christ. In the modern atheist dystopia people are afraid to offend the one or two percent of extremely vocal atheists and Muslims who see Christmas as haram, we have to create a neopagan alternative to the birth of Christ, and all that's left is making money. Take a listen to all 7 Christmas songs that the big five networks play. They're all about money and materialism. It's a not so subtle subliminal message to get people to spend money on worthless garbage that no one needs or wants. People will buy $400 worth of shit and then, at the checkout counter admit to the clerk that they don't know why they bought all that shit. America gave up producing anything (except cardboard and US Dollars) decades ago, so I have no idea where all these people get this much money to buy garbage. They have to be using credit, which feeds the globalist banksters insatiable hunger for debt.
If we remember Christ more, even if you don't believe, just take his message to heart. We're not suffering from a lack of novelty sweaters, useless gadgets that get put in the garage after a week, and cheaply made toys the Chinese fill with lead, we're suffering from a lack of compassion. Imagine how much better life would be if instead of spending $400 on gifts for people you hate to satisfy your own ego, people spent that money on helping the poor. THAT is what Christmas should be about, not consumerism.
If you go outside around more than 4 people from the beginning of November until the end of December you will hear Christmas songs and likely nothing but Christmas songs. The problem with Christmas songs is that once you remove all the songs about Jesus, who is persona non grata in today's atheist society, there are all of 7 Christmas songs left. And you've heard all of them. And they all sound the same. And those same 7 songs are played on continuous loop for two months until you start to envy the deaf.
All 7 Christmas songs are shit. They're bullshit designed to make money. Every pop star for the past 60 years has known that producing a Christmas album is guaranteed to make tons of money, because even though EVERYONE has heard all 7 Christmas songs a thousand times, like an Alzheimer's patient, people need to buy the new album that contains the exact same 7 Christmas songs just because a different person sings them. As if they've never heard those songs before.
Why does Christmas exist? It's not to sell garbage to rich people who don't need any more garbage. CHRISTmas exists because of Jesus Christ. Sure, the date is wrong, but Christmas exists to celebrate the birth of Christ. In the modern atheist dystopia people are afraid to offend the one or two percent of extremely vocal atheists and Muslims who see Christmas as haram, we have to create a neopagan alternative to the birth of Christ, and all that's left is making money. Take a listen to all 7 Christmas songs that the big five networks play. They're all about money and materialism. It's a not so subtle subliminal message to get people to spend money on worthless garbage that no one needs or wants. People will buy $400 worth of shit and then, at the checkout counter admit to the clerk that they don't know why they bought all that shit. America gave up producing anything (except cardboard and US Dollars) decades ago, so I have no idea where all these people get this much money to buy garbage. They have to be using credit, which feeds the globalist banksters insatiable hunger for debt.
If we remember Christ more, even if you don't believe, just take his message to heart. We're not suffering from a lack of novelty sweaters, useless gadgets that get put in the garage after a week, and cheaply made toys the Chinese fill with lead, we're suffering from a lack of compassion. Imagine how much better life would be if instead of spending $400 on gifts for people you hate to satisfy your own ego, people spent that money on helping the poor. THAT is what Christmas should be about, not consumerism.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Trump Travel Ban Upheld
Here's something good to counter act the bad on this very busy news day. The Supreme Court is allowing the full enforcement of Trump's travel ban even as objections from lower courts are mouldering in queue. That means you People's Democratic Republic of Hawaii.
The ban restricts travel from six countries: Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. What do those six countries have in common? The US has bombed four of them and placed crippling economic sanctions on another. That's a good indicator that people from those six countries hate our guts and likely harbor terrorists. Unlike the original ban, this third revised edition has no set end date.
Trump is not banning Muslims from entering the US, he is banning people from countries that the US has bombed and who would probably be really pissed off and might try to enact revenge.
If Trump were trying to ban Muslims he would have banned people from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia, India, and Pakistan, the most populous Muslim countries. Anyone who thinks this is a Muslim ban is either a complete moron or is lying to try to paint Trump as "literally Hitler".
The ban restricts travel from six countries: Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. What do those six countries have in common? The US has bombed four of them and placed crippling economic sanctions on another. That's a good indicator that people from those six countries hate our guts and likely harbor terrorists. Unlike the original ban, this third revised edition has no set end date.
Trump is not banning Muslims from entering the US, he is banning people from countries that the US has bombed and who would probably be really pissed off and might try to enact revenge.
If Trump were trying to ban Muslims he would have banned people from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia, India, and Pakistan, the most populous Muslim countries. Anyone who thinks this is a Muslim ban is either a complete moron or is lying to try to paint Trump as "literally Hitler".
Trump Guts National Parks
Trump has decided to give two million acres of land in Utah that had been protected because Ovomit. That's literally the reason. Ovomit placed these lands under protection, so Trump has to automatically undo everything Ovomit did, good or bad, so he's giving the land to international oil conglomerates and timber corporations.
Staircase-Escalante National Monument will be reduced by 50 percent and Bear Ears National Monument will be reduced by a staggering 77-92 percent!
Governor of Utah Gary Herbert, who belongs to a crazy UFO cult started by a serial con artist, and may be collecting kickbacks from the big five multinational oil conglomerates who control trillions of dollars and are accountable to no jurisdiction, had "requested" President Trump to give the land over to his nice oil buddies out of total altruism and his belief in state's rights (even though the issue wasn't put up to the vote). Trump complied.
Of course fake conservative Fucks News, who mercilessly attacked Trump all during the campaign, now hail this as the greatest move any president has ever made. Of course, as all snakes and liars do, they have to couch their real motives behind what's good for the people whom they don't really know or care for:
"We don't want to lock people out [of the national park land]." Bullshit. No one is being locked out except the corporations, and corporations are only people in the same way that Soylent Green is people. "But the poor Indians had to go in on foot because the National Parks Service couldn't afford to build roads with their meager $12 billion budget!" So? They've been worshiping the land on foot for thousands of years. What's the problem? They can still take an ATV if they want. In fact, the Navajo Nation, along with conservation groups, are bringing this new executive order to court, so the Indians don't care about roads being built on the protected land.
"We don’t have to put further strain on federal land management budgets." Since when does Fucks News care about federal land management budgets? Just cut spending from something totally useless and give it to the parks service, or whoever manages the land. Nearly all of federal welfare spending ends up in the pockets of bureaucrats instead of going to the poor, so just redirect some of that money. Or cut defense spending by a tiny little bit. Just a few billion. The US will still spend twice as much as every other country combined, it will just be a little smaller.
"All of us will be the beneficiaries of this decision." In what sense will I personally benefit from this decision? I've never been to Utah. The culture of the people creeps me out and the salt air of the high desert can't be good for my health. I won't be making any money from these corporate multinational oil conglomerate jobs. I won't be driving my Land Rover over the newly made government roads to gather herbs and berries. In what sense will I benefit? And remember, if I don't benefit then ALL OF US don't benefit, only some of us, and those some already have half the money in the world. They don't need any more.
Staircase-Escalante National Monument will be reduced by 50 percent and Bear Ears National Monument will be reduced by a staggering 77-92 percent!
Governor of Utah Gary Herbert, who belongs to a crazy UFO cult started by a serial con artist, and may be collecting kickbacks from the big five multinational oil conglomerates who control trillions of dollars and are accountable to no jurisdiction, had "requested" President Trump to give the land over to his nice oil buddies out of total altruism and his belief in state's rights (even though the issue wasn't put up to the vote). Trump complied.
Of course fake conservative Fucks News, who mercilessly attacked Trump all during the campaign, now hail this as the greatest move any president has ever made. Of course, as all snakes and liars do, they have to couch their real motives behind what's good for the people whom they don't really know or care for:
Monument designations – particularly the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument – have been routinely abused in an effort to lock down resource-rich areas that do not meet objective criteria for preservation.Notice the loaded language: "otherwise unremarkable areas." Other than what? We know what, don't we. They are "resource-rich" and in need of "resource extraction." That says it all. That's all you need to know. Everything else is flannel. Trumpery, if you will. These lands "do not meet objective criteria for preservation" because they contain oil and other mineral resources. The land is "unremarkable" because your oil buddies want to drill in Teddy Roosevelt's head. These "high-paying resource extraction jobs" will "reduce US dependence on foreign imports" my ass. Most oil will still come from Canada. It's a red herring.
By unlocking these otherwise unremarkable areas, President Trump enables high-paying resource extraction jobs to return to rural communities – a process that not only helps local economic development, but reduces U.S. dependence on foreign imports.
Protecting our most beautiful places is important. But we don’t have to lock people out to do it. We don’t have to put further strain on federal land management budgets. We certainly don’t need to decimate rural economies. President Trump has done the right thing. All of us will be the beneficiaries of this decision.
"We don't want to lock people out [of the national park land]." Bullshit. No one is being locked out except the corporations, and corporations are only people in the same way that Soylent Green is people. "But the poor Indians had to go in on foot because the National Parks Service couldn't afford to build roads with their meager $12 billion budget!" So? They've been worshiping the land on foot for thousands of years. What's the problem? They can still take an ATV if they want. In fact, the Navajo Nation, along with conservation groups, are bringing this new executive order to court, so the Indians don't care about roads being built on the protected land.
"We don’t have to put further strain on federal land management budgets." Since when does Fucks News care about federal land management budgets? Just cut spending from something totally useless and give it to the parks service, or whoever manages the land. Nearly all of federal welfare spending ends up in the pockets of bureaucrats instead of going to the poor, so just redirect some of that money. Or cut defense spending by a tiny little bit. Just a few billion. The US will still spend twice as much as every other country combined, it will just be a little smaller.
"All of us will be the beneficiaries of this decision." In what sense will I personally benefit from this decision? I've never been to Utah. The culture of the people creeps me out and the salt air of the high desert can't be good for my health. I won't be making any money from these corporate multinational oil conglomerate jobs. I won't be driving my Land Rover over the newly made government roads to gather herbs and berries. In what sense will I benefit? And remember, if I don't benefit then ALL OF US don't benefit, only some of us, and those some already have half the money in the world. They don't need any more.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Trump Tax Plan Passes Senate
The Senate just passed a temporary (through 2025) tax reform bill. Now it has to go through the House. I've read comments from Hitleryites who are pretending to be happy because now "Trump supporters will see their taxes increase." Jokes on you, I don't pay taxes, not under the current plan and not under the new Republican plan either. Now if only they build the wall and deport the illegals who are artificially depressing wages I'll be able to earn enough to pay taxes, at a still lower rate than it is now, because the tax rate for poor people is decreased. AND the bill also eliminates the totally illegal, unconstitutional, grossly immoral "individual mandate", which forces people to buy horribly overpriced, totally unusable insurance for existing (like $6,000 deductibles that make insurance totally worthless unless you have cancer or some other catastrophic illness). With tax rates for poor people cut and the individual mandate eliminated, saving poor people even more money for not having to buy a worthless product, that culminates into a win-win situation for the working poor.
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